
Aug 30, 2006 23:36

Okay... That... SUCKED... Not doing that again... I went to look at one of my Ex's DA page to shop it to one of my friends, I thought (and still do) That she might get some good out of it... I wasn't expecting it to hurt NEARLY this much... I can't breathe, I can't think... It hurts... so very very bad...

I'll be fine... I always am... But it just hurts so bad.. In a way, he's the one that destroyed me... But... I just have to breathe, just have to keep going, just have to survive. And then I'm going to be famouse, and that will be the best revenge...

It hurts so much right now, all the diffrent parts of me are fighting... The part that still cares wants to talk to him, the part that hates him wants to tell him what he really did... and the dragon in me just wants him to go away and wants the pain to stop.

I look through my LJ friends list and I see so may strong people... Mazz, Oreana.. every other person on there I look up to and want to have thier strength of will.

This is all for tonight, my thoughts are getting incoherent and I ramble too much as it is... I'm just so very very tired of this, the pain... Oh well, night everyone. Thank you to all the people that help me get through every day, if you know it or not. Thank you for helping find the strength to survive, and thank you for being my friends.

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