Chasing Rainbows: 1.2

Oct 19, 2009 20:00

Warnings: Pixel nudity, adult situations, rambling, picture-heavy

Founder Xanthe Ixchel (known as Lulu Darling in a past life) is by
simsforaranya , and partner Jasper Cojones is by

Having just moved in, Jasper instantly turns on the charm.

Then it’s back to his favourite pastime:

Ooh, yes, it really is, isn’t it?

So, what about his LTW?

Hahaha! How apt! At least this one he has a chance of getting, depending what his existing job is. Townies always get assigned random jobs, I’ve noticed.

So, yeah, about that yellow make-over, Jasper:

That’s better. I was gonna change the hat, but it goes with the outfit. No way was I making him blond, I knew that from the off-set.

So, what’s the first thing he does in his new house? (Outside ACR, that is

Heads straight for the synthesiser - and shows her how it’s done.

Then it’s off to the dishes. I love this guy already

I’m not the only one, either:

Oh dear, oh dear. I presume she knows he’s not marriage material?

Then I got this:

He did? Whoops. Oh well, at least he didn’t get fired.

Jasper: Hey, did you hear about that Illusion guy...?

Why can’t you see gossip memories in-game? Not that it’ll help here, but... oh, I dunno. Sim icon in speech bubble isn’t much help when it’s alone

Jasper: Oh, wait, I’ve forgotten something...

Jasper: Talk about losing track of time! I’m worn out!

Me: Damn right. Well, you know where the bed is...

Me: ...You do, don’t you? You’ve played in it enough times!

Oh well. With him out of the way...

Xanthe can get back to her favourite toy.

Before one of her friends calls, anyway, granting her a wish for three best friends

And now, my fellow ISBI players, I present to you... a loophole!

Retract all visible bars as explained in the rules.

Switch to the NTH that takes your interest.

Click on inventory tab to have free reign of their belongings, without seeing anything else!
Seems such a waste to see all that lovely stuff sitting there, doesn’t it? I’ll keep hold of them for now, see what they may need in a bigger house.

I’m not finished yet, though - with FT comes a big helper for a work-related rule involving chance cards:

Benefits! I’m not leaving that instinct one there, that’s for sure. I’ve found out once or twice it’s still possible to lose even with that chosen, but it’ll help a great deal. And no, I haven’t given him a secondary aspiration. Don’t even know if I’ll choose any other benefits yet.

All without seeing any other details about him. Pretty neat, huh? Well, it says nothing in the rules about NTH sims’ inventories...

Jasper continues to nap, and has nightmares about brilliantcat’s Melon Drop. Riiight, okay... Maybe the fact he rolled gay has something to do with it?

Jasper: Ah, that’s better. Right, food...

Me: Great. There’s plenty of leftovers for you to...

Jasper: I don’t like leftovers. Nothing like eating fresh.

Me: But... but it’s a lot safer!

Jasper: Relax, will you? I know what I’m doing.

Jasper: Ow. Yep, that knife’s sharp alright.

Me: The way you’ve been hacking at that veg, I’m surprised you didn’t slice your finger off!

Well, that’s something at least.

I’m watching you like a hawk, Mister. I’ve already had Xanthe set the meal ablaze once...

Jasper: Oh you of little faith.

Well, I never know with you guys...

And here we go again
Come on, give me a sign...

These two only score two bolts, apparently

Oh, here we go. I knew Ginger was gonna be trouble...

Haha... You missed, Ginger.

Jasper: I’m tired...

Me: Yep, and you have a bed upstairs...

Me: Remember now?!

Jasper: Ah yes. Thanks for reminding me.

Ahem. Nothing like luring them to bed for sex, eh? Or try for baby, in this case...

What is this? Jasper, getting leftovers?! Wonders will never cease!

Try for baby successful at long last! Damn, took them long enough...

I refuse to believe they only score two. Never mind Jasper out in just his undies in the middle of winter...

Xanthe: Urgh... I don’t feel so good... Was last night’s meal that bad?!

Meanwhile, Jasper’s taken to remastering “Flight of the Bumblebee.” Haven’t heard that for ages! Reminds me of when my brother and I were kids; every time this came on we’d run round the room pretending we were bees

Oh boy, not again. Erm, Jasper...

Jasper: I told you, I don’t like leftovers.

Me: That didn’t stop you before!

Jasper: I’ve got more time to kill this time.

Me: ... You know, for only one or two cooking points, you’re doing pretty well.

Then it’s off to work... now this looks promising.

Get his work car, too! Very nice!



Xanthe: Wow, where’d that come from?

Me: You really need to ask?

Xanthe: Yeah, yeah...

Thanks for cleaning up our old papers, Ginger.

I was so happy to see this later on:

He remembered where the bed is! Good boy!

Xanthe spent a lot of her pregnancy sleeping, which isn’t good when you have friends:

Sorry Raven, she needs her rest right now.


Xanthe: Not long now, I hope... I’m getting fed up looking like a watermelon.

Jasper has his moments, but overall he’s pretty good at looking after himself so far. Can’t wait to see how he copes with a baby.

And he serves breakfast the next day. I don’t know if I have a hack that makes them serve when they’d usually only help themselves, but if I do it’s coming in very handy.

Xanthe: Aaaaaaaaaargh!! Jaspeeerrrr!! It’s coming!

Since the ISBI challenge is more regulated than the normal rainbow legacy, this game’s in my Awesomesauce folder. AS challenge says no more than two kids, so I’m playing without the quads adjuster this time, resulting in a single baby by the name of Bruno.

Jasper looks pleased to see his new kid, at least.

And he soon proves his worth as a father...

...or so I thought. All this...

...just to do this. Everything stops for sex, eh?
No good can come of this...

  • Torch-Holders = 1
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 0
  • Shrink Visits = 0
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 1
  • Self-Wettings: 0
  • Pass-Outs: 0
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0
  • Reach top of a career = 0
  • $100,000 = 0

After disliking the bullets plug-in with WLW, I decided to go back to the regular ones.

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: yellow, isbi, legacy

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