Chasing Rainbows: 1.3

Oct 22, 2009 16:07

Warnings: Short update! Don’t know how it happened, but enjoy it while it lasts

Founder Xanthe Ixchel (known as Lulu Darling in a past life) is by
simsforaranya , and partner Jasper Cojones is by

Bruno: (Hey, guys? I’ve got something cold and wet in my shorts down here, and...)

Bruno: (Guys?)

Bruno: (Anyone?)


Jasper: Don’t look at me, I can barely stand!

Guess that means Mum to the rescue, huh?

With the baby happy once again, it’s back to the synth. That thing’s their crack, I swear.

Um, great Jasper, but... you really need to put the baby down now...

I didn’t mean on the floor!

Some time later, his synth addiction pays off. If he isn’t already Top Dog at work, he soon will be.

To give credit where it’s due, Xanthe is also proving to be a good mum.

And now, how to make sure the sleeping worker gets up in time for his shift:

Xanthe: Wakey-wakey!

Jasper: Eh? What? Is it that time already?

Me: Sure is. Time to get ready...

Me: Um, as much as I appreciate your changing the baby, you really need to get to work now...

Jasper: Food first, work later.

Me: Within reason, surely? You’ll miss the car at this rate!

Told you. Lucky for him; I was expecting him to lose his job instead of just performance.

Meanwhile, Xanthe makes best friend number four - and yes, family counts. Onyx Garland’s proof of that

Leftovers, Jasper. Left...

Jasper: I told you, I don’t like leftovers.

Me: But what’s the point of making fresh food all the time? Do I put it away for nothing or what?!

Oh well, at least he serves enough for the others.

Then we have Bruno’s first birthday!

Interesting. Now, I’ve had weird-looking babies before, and they grew into good-looking adults. I’m hoping it’ll be the same with this guy.

Blond hair, too. I’m sure I’ve got some brown-looking blond hair somewhere in here...

There we go. He’s pretty cute, actually. Pretty cute, huh?
Can’t wait to see how he turns out.


Oh cripes. He’s a toddler. You know what this means, right? Oh, this is gonna be fun...
  • Torch-Holders = 1
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 0
  • Shrink Visits = 0
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 1
  • Self-Wettings: 0
  • Pass-Outs: 0
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0
  • Reach top of a career = 0
  • $100,000 = 0

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: yellow, isbi, legacy

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