New Legacy: Chasing Rainbows (Ixchel) 1.1

Oct 15, 2009 01:44

Warnings: Pixel nudity, adult situations, picture-heavy.

A/N: Hi there folks! I’m back!
Let’s see how long I can keep this going before anything goes wrong - I’ve had one close call already, but so far so good. I have quite a backlog, so you’re likely to see a lot of posting as I catch up. Hope you enjoy this as much as you did the last one

Hello, and welcome to my second attempt at a rainbow legacy. This will stay as commentary, as I have another project to take care of the story side this time.

So, let’s see; which ready-made custom neighbourhood haven’t I tried out yet?

Elsewhere! Made by plasticbox at MTS2, and the most customised ‘hood I’ve played. Two of the houses don’t even have roads, which I’ve heard might be a problem during game-play. However, there is one sim I can move into The House On Cod Island:

Me! Hi there.

The only reason I’ve moved myself in is to set up the ‘hood, for this is a
pixel_trade challenge. My self-sim here is the only sim in the ‘hood that I’ve made myself - everyone else you’ll come across has been made/born in someone else’s game. I don’t usually download other people’s sims, so I thought this’d be a nice change.

In pixel_trade challenges, only sims made by others can be brought in, but although the founder can be your own, I decided to peruse the founder collections and found this lovely lady by
simsforaranya , who goes by the name of Lulu Darling...

...who’s quick to discover the TV. Come on you, someone needs to be able to cook around here.

That’s better. We can get a better look at her, too.

She rolled Leo 5-9-4-3-4. Given that this is also a rainbow legacy, she needed a name change as well as a makeover. Her name is now Xanthe Ixchel - Xanthe meaning yellow in Greek, and Ixchel meaning rainbow lady in Mayan. How I love
Looking very different to the neon craziness I had with the Garlands; I’ve gone pretty tame so far.

Now’s a good time to explain the way I’m doing the colours this time - if this doesn’t jinx it, that is:

After staying loyal to the original colours last time, I decided on a change. These were actually the colours I was gonna use for Shammy’s line, but since that all went pear-shaped I’m doing it here, instead.

So, anyway, time for the welcome wagon to turn up - let’s see who we have here:

Oh. It’s me again. Aw come on, is that it?!

Oh well - my self-sim is good for other things:

She’s better at giving compliments than the real me

Xanthe: Are you this well-behaved back home?

Me: Sure am

After her one visitor had stayed a while, we got another:

Well well, look who it is. Sorry lady; I’ve never needed your services before, and I don’t plan to start now - besides, we’re broke.

Someone else passed by later on:

bondchick_nett ’s Sangiovese Kohler-Wielle. I’m not too worried about him though; I have other plans for her

In the meantime, she makes her first friend. Her ultimate goal is to have twenty best friends, so this is a good start.

Since she’s such a people person, I decide it’s time she started work on her charisma, too:

Xanthe: Oh damn, does my mouth really make those weird shapes when I talk?!

In the morning, she quickly learns why I had her studying cooking so much. Apart from the fact that she’ll be the only one I could remotely trust in the kitchen - more on that later.

To my delight, I discover that Elsewhere has a bowling alley - about time this dame went man-hunting, I think...

quinctia ’s Hestia Randolph is a funny looking man, Xanthe.

Ginger Kohler-Wielle is not male, damn it.

Xanthe: Right now I don’t care. I’m on a meet ‘n’ greet mission, and you can’t stop me!

Me: Okay, fine, just... careful with that one. An advantage of setting up the ‘hood means I know about personality points and such-like...

Then she discovers
quinctia ’s Hephaestus Randolph.

Xanthe: There we go, met a guy. Happy now?

Me: I would, but... he’s gay in this game.

Xanthe: That’s just typical. Why is it all the pretty-looking guys are gay?!

Me: Chalk it up to Murphy’s Law. I’m just hoping someone else hasn’t also...

Xanthe: Ooh, there’s someone!

Xanthe: Unless you’re gonna tell me he’s also gay.

Me: Nope; Ares Randolph is straight as a new ruler

The bowling lane also drew the attention of
radiationpoison ’s Lucky Von Prism, and
xel_squirgle_ox ’s Amy Terrano - neither of which I knew the stats for, so I randomised them.

So, Xanthe confidently steps up to the lane, ball in hand...

Xanthe: Ouch. I’m gonna need to work on the body skill, I think.

Me: Never mind dear, practice makes perfect.

After messing about on the lanes for a bit, she resumes her mission at the local supermarket.

And look who it is. Interestingly enough, she scores two with both him and Ares.

That’s not my main concern, though...

Meet Van’s (squirgle) Jasper Cojones, the guy I do plan to set her up with!
It was something I’d decided as far back as setting them up in CAS - both of them turned out to be Leos. I kept their suggested aspirations of romance for him, friendship for her. Now they’ve met, all I have to hope now is that they bite.
strange_tomato ’s Jayne Doe might be a problem, though...

Tonight seems to be a good time for romance in general. ACR has got a hold of ‘Sangy’ for a different reason:

He and
brilliantcat ’s Ruby Red Drop are both romance. How appropriate

Meanwhile, inside, remember what I said before about Jayne?

Xanthe: (Come on woman, will you leave him alone so I can chat to him?)

All the women love Jasper... ain’t it the truth?!

Speaking of love, sort of...

Here we go. Might be time to leave pretty soon...

...or maybe not. Finally, she gets to keep him to herself for a bit.

Xanthe: What’s wrong with my shoes?! Okay, they’re not so great to bowl in, but they go with the dress, right?

Jasper: Mm-hm... So, you seem to like yellow; jaspers come in yellow, don’t you know.

Smooth, Jasper, real smooth.

Shopkeeper: Hey, guys, this is a supermarket not a nightclub... you wanna take this somewhere else so I can get back to work?!

Oh boy... on the other hand, let’s get you outta here, eh Xanthe?



Xanthe: Be gone woman, I’m busy.

Me: Uh... huh... carry on, just careful with your wallet.

I just love it when a plan comes together

And look who called the next day:

Now was not a day for socialising, though. In deliberately keeping her from getting a job (networking is a full-time job in itself
), she needed some way to keep the money coming in:

Yep, the ol’ digging up the back garden routine. Selling rocks can bring in some nice pocket money, but there were bigger treasures waiting to be discovered:


Twice in a row??
Holy Moses, I’ve never seen that before! Not that I’m complaining, of course

But hold the phone - look who’s happened by!

Stop! Stop the digging, go get ‘im before he leaves!

Good girl.

This guy really is a smooth operator. Very charming, gentlemanly type...

First hurdle passed
You are so getting bagged, Jasper my boy

Ahem. Seems Xanthe is keen, too. I hope he likes the dominating type.

And this is another reason those cooking lessons are coming in handy.

While Xanthe serves up lunch...

Jasper proves his worth by cleaning the tub
Mm-hm, yeah, I could just see you in yellow...

Just as all goes swimmingly, however...

So much for cooking lessons. You don’t wanna touch that Xanthe, trust me.

Xanthe: But it’s so pretty and yellow and... ouch. You know, I think you’re right, that stuff’s hot!

Sometime later, we get a surprise visitor:

I know that walk. Let’s see; three sim days into gameplay, still haven’t discovered her PDH yet... you’re not gonna tell me I’ve got the lamp already?!

Wow, guess I did. Um, thanks! I’ll tuck that away for later.

Later on, Xanthe discovers the new toy I got her:

I had thought her hobby would be music, but no. Still, it’s a way to boost her creativity.

Which reminds me, sort of - I got the idea from somewhere that the photo-booth would be a good way to get an heir picture, since no one else can paint it for her.

So I got her out to the local newsagent/game shop. That’s better; I’ll tuck that away for now, too. It’s only a starter house she lives in, after all.

While she was there, I decided she could do with some more games for that computer Humble dropped off. You know, other than Sims 3

Erm, don’t look now Xanthe, but there’s some funny business going on behind you...

Hestia and Lucky? Wow. And Lucky’s ‘brother’ Illusion remains oblivious as he browses the games. Nice.

Illusion: Yeah, right. I just ‘conveniently’ stumbled along those games while they were getting down to it...

Um, yeah, fair enough. Yes, I completely dropped family ties in this game, so if you spot should-be brother and sister getting cosy, you’ll know why.

The photobooth gets quite a bit of use during Xanthe’s time there, in fact.

Hello again, Amy! I didn’t know townies could get their pics taken! That’s pretty cool

Back home, I begin to wonder if Xanthe is losing her touch in the kitchen...

That’s the second meal she’s burned

To be fair though, most of the time she’s been pretty good.

And this is... number two. *cough* Yeah, I forgot to book the first one. I’m not gonna even try to keep track of who they are, but I think this one’s my self-sim.

It doesn’t stop at the phone, of course. She found Raven Von Prism online, and had quite a natter before signing off. Just so you know though; those sims whose stats I don’t know got randomised. Raven was one of them, and she ended up with the short straw with a dramatic lack of nice points

In the meantime, Jasper got invited round once or twice. Still no baby chimes yet - and yes, I did set ACR to allow unmarried try for baby.

Not to worry though - not yet, anyway:

Bwahaha! I have you now, Jasper my boy! You can never escape!

And so the real game begins... Oh, I forgot to mention, this is also an ISBI challenge. Xanthe is the first torch-holder and therefore the only sim I have control over. I usually keep my sims on a pretty long leash regarding free will, but not being able to control the others at all, let alone checking their stats, is gonna take a lot of getting used to...

Since this is an ISBI challenge, I even have a score-card, which just for a change I’ll be using to keep track of events. Here we go - let’s see how long I can keep this chaos-free:

    Torch-Holders = 1

    Perma-Platinum sims = 0

    Shrink Visits = 0

    Social Bunny Visits = 0

    Social Worker Visits = 0

    Fires: 1

    Self-Wettings: 0

    Pass-Outs: 0

    Fights: 0

    Accidental Deaths = 0

    Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0

    Reach top of a career = 0

    $100,000 = 0

I got some of the list here from the ISBI site. Others got added from other challenges when I realised they were missing.

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: yellow, isbi, legacy

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