(no subject)

Sep 01, 2005 22:08

I know I haven't updated in a few days and I haven't been commenting on anyone's journals! I'm sorry - my dad, Connie, Hannah and I all went out to our little place out in the country to visit with my Uncle J.P and I forgot to post saying that I would be out of town. I skimmed over some of my friend's list, and I'll try to comment on everyone's journals soon! :-)

I had completely forgotten that we had all planned to go down there yesterday morning, so I woke up and my dad and Connie were here, which they hadn't been the night before, and they had all of their stuff packed and ready to go. I felt horrible because I didn't have ANY of me and Hannah's stuff packed and I needed to feed her her cereal, give her a bath AND pack before we could go, and it all seemed to take forever! Hannah is absolutely LOVING her rice cereal and I really think it fills her up a lot more than the formula.

Today, down in the country, Connie and I took about a 2 1/2-3 mile walk on an old country road and it was nice, but my new shoes gave me a HUGE blister on my left foot. I mean a HUUUUUGE blister. Needless to say I won't be wearing those anymore. Then I started laundry when I got home, but I didn't finish it because it's dark now and I refuse to go down in the basement when it's dark because I'm pathetic and am afraid of the dark. EEK! That's alright, though, I'll just finish it in the morning.

Oh, and I also finished my book Unexpected. It was good, I liked it. As I said before, MMMMMM, steamy jungle sex - I want some. Anyway, after the two main characters rescue the guy's brother and get back to America, the girl sneaks away because she is afraid of commitment and then finds out that she is in the family way, as she put it. (AKA, pregnant) Then Eli tracks her down because he looooooves her and blah blah blah. It was a good book, but after they get back from Central America and their rescue mission it got a little pointless. Lori Foster, as always, wrote the rest of the book tremendously which is what kept me intersted, but still. . . she could have made the last quarter of the book much better. Now I'm reading some book called Bad Boys Online which is 3 small little novellas combined in 1 book and so far it seems like it's mainly going to be about the sex. . . which I'm kind of in the mood for right now, so I'm good with that. :-) After this I'm going to read my Agatha Christie book.

Anyway, not much else to update about, so I think I'm going to go read. I'll catch up on everyone's journals tomorrow! Love you all!

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