(no subject)

Aug 30, 2005 23:30

Well, let's see. Today was Hannah's 6 month checkup. Everything went well. She is 15 pounds and 27 inches long. She's on the average side for weight, but is longer than the average baby her age. And she got her immunization shots today so she was crabby the rest of the day when we got home and went to bed a little early. My little girl is so precious!

Me and Bryan got in a whole bunch of stupid arguements today and I'm getting so frustrated with him. One of the arguements was about how this past weekend he was too busy "working" to have Hannah, when really he just went out to the bar and golfed with Dave. He got pissed at me for bringing this up and was like "Can't I just want some time to myself when I'm not working, GOD!" like I'm being the bitch here. I tried not to get mad and just said "well, it just made me mad that you lied about working and don't talk to me about never getting to be alone when I have the constant company of a 6 month old."

Then I told him about Hannah's doctor appointment today, which I had told him about weeks ago as well but he still got mad at me for not reminding him because he wanted to go. So I'm expected to remind him of her appointments 4545786 times so he can remember to ask off work. Anyway, out of nowhere he says that this weekend he's going to go to the store and buy her a whole bunch of different kinds of baby food and start feeding them to her and I was like "woah woah woah, hold on a minute. I just now YESTERDAY started feeding her the baby cereal. I'm sure the doctors going to want her to keep eating that for at least a week or two" and he GOES OFF on me and tells me that I never let him do ANYTHING new with Hannah and that every other baby he knows has started eating baby food at 3-4 months and that Hannah is way "behind". Whatever the fuck that means.

She is NOT behind, it is better for a baby to be exclusively breastfed/formula fed for the first 6 months, but what the hell do I know, I'm just her idiot mother. Anyway, I told him that she is NOT behind and that every doctor appointment I've had I have asked and made sure that Hannah is eating good enough and made sure that she didn't need to be eating more substantial foods yet, and do you know what he replies with?

"Are doctors always right?"

More right that your dipshit ass could ever be!

URGH, he gets on my nerves sometimes! The man who didn't change his daughter's clothes one morning when she leaked through her diaper overnight because he "didn't notice" and who gives his 4 month old daughter a bottle to feed herself while she is laying down FLAT on the floor in front of the tv knows better than the doctors apparently. And again. . . he's NOT a bad daddy, he just thinks he knows what he's doing when he doesn't completely know and then gets pissed when I try and advise him. He thinks he knows our daughter better than I do when I've spent the last entire 6 months with her where as he is with her MAYBE 24 hours MAYBE every other week.

And he also bitched at me because he didn't get to be there when she had her cereal for the first time or whatever, so I told him that Hannah and I could come over tonight when he got off work and we could feed her her cereal together. He said okay, that he would call me when he got off work. Yeah, he didn't. Which, I'm glad he didn't because Hannah was crabby as all hell because of her immunization shots, but still - he bitches about not spending enough time with her and missing out on things, and then he pulls all his crap.

Anyway, enough about him. I know I bitch about him a lot, but about 85 percent of all the stress in my life comes from HIM. GOD, I hope that number gets increasingly lower over the years, although I'm sure it won't.

I got 99 problems but a bitch aint one.

HAHAHA! I don't know why I find that song so hillarious because it's stupid, but that line is very amusing to me. Anyway, this is ridiculous and I'm not interesting, so bye!

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