[definition] Work: going out to the bar to drink, playing golf, and having fun.

Aug 29, 2005 11:07

Oh it was the cutest thing - I was sitting on the couch and had my seat reclined and Hannah laying in between my legs playing with a couple of her toys and while I was reading and she drifted off to sleep laying there! I really wish I had had my camera next to me so I could have taken a picture, it was soooo cute. I just now put her in her crib for her nap, but I just thought I'd share. :-)

I didn't end up going to dinner last night with Bryan. During the day I was going out to Connie's mom's house with her, her daughter Elise, and my dad and we didn't get back until almost 5. Bryan told me to call him when I got back, and I did but he was playing golf with Dave so we didn't go. Which is fine, I wasn't mad at all about it, but he thought I was because I also didn't go to poker last night. He thought I didn't go because I was mad at him or something, lol. Which isn't the reason - I didn't go to see if anyone would even bother to call and see where I was and no one did. Except Bryan called me after he left poker to make sure I was alright because GOD FORBID someone else think he actually still cares about me. I am a little angry at him, but not fro not taking me to dinner - I could really care less about that - but for saying he was too busy working this weekend to take Hannah, but last night when he called me he told me about how Friday night he was really tired and just went home and slept, then Saturday night he went to the bar with Dave and Jessie and then Sunday all day he played golf with Dave. That is apparently too busy working to have Hannah. And then before he said he'd just take Hannah next weekend, but now that I found out he wasn't working at all, just out bullshitting, I think I'm going to tell him that he can't have her because we have plans. Which we do, the plan was to go out to Donna's next weekend but since I thought he had to WORK, I said he could have her so he didn't miss out on his time with her. Now that I know he doesn't give a SHIT about his time with her, though, he can just wait until it's his weekend again.

God, I feel like such a bitch sometimes. . . I don't know what's wrong with me. Am I being a huge bitch, or does what I'm saying sound logical? Anyway, I'm feeling really lazy today for some reason so I need to go make myself do my pilates before I just don't do it.

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