More on my disgustingly huge blister and my porn novel. I love sex <3!

Sep 03, 2005 13:30

Alright, well I don't have anything to say really. Hannah is with her daddy this weekend - he picked her up last night and asked if I wanted to come over and watch the movie Sahara, which he kept pronouncing like Ciara because he's an idiot. I said sure, and when I went over there later last night, he was feeding Hannah her cereal. . . Yeah, except he made it WRONG! It was just formula in a bowl with barely any cereal stuff in it and he was trying to spoon feed her almost pure liquid. IDIOT! I wrote him explicit DIRECTIONS on exactly how to make it and also he had the cereal box that told him how to make it and it even had a picture of what it was supposed to look like. It was a good thing I ended up coming over there so I could make it RIGHT for her. His idiocy amazes me daily.

Anyway, I left in the middle of the movie because I was tired. Then I came home and finished reading my porn novel, Bad Boys Online. Yes, I said porn novel. It's a romance novel, but it's 3 short stories combined and they are all so steamy that they can be described as nothing other than PORN. It was hot, though, so I read it. ;-) I enjoyed it immensly. Yes, I know, I'm pathetic, shut up.

I slept in this morning until about 9:30-10 and then played around on here and then went back to bed and took a nap. It felt good. :-) Now after I finish here I'm going to stick in Gone With the Wind and cross-stitch. Sounds like a fuckin' plan!

Oh, and by the way, my HUGE blister popped and it HUUUUUUURTS. :-( I really considered taking a picture and posting it just so everyone could see how incredibly HUGE it is. Anyone interested?

Ew, I hope not. It's gross.

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