Tonight, plans to see 'Black Swan' got thwarted by that damn movie's popularity. Only one theatre in the DC area is playing it this week, and all the showings were sold out, probably to people who actually LIVE in that particular suburb, which my friends and I do not.
Instead, we headed back to the Js' place and decided to watch 'The Waters of Mars.' Well, first we stopped for ice cream at Baskin Robbins (well, OBVIOUSLY, what ELSE would you want in 40 degree weather??) and I managed to confront the poor ice cream man behind the counter.
Baskin Robbins runs 'limited edition' flavors for each month, and since there's a BR across from my metro station at work, I see the ads for each flavor every morning. I had really wanted to try October's flavor (chocolate malt and caramel), but never got around to it. Tonight, looking at the flavors on display, tucked away in a corner, I discovered NOT ONLY the October flavor, but the November as WELL. In my surprise, I exclaimed, 'WHOA. I thought these were supposed to be limited editions??'... and kind of maybe did so in a manner that the poor college kid thought I was ACCUSING HIM OF ICE CREAM FRAUD. He kind of stammered out that they WERE, really!, but that it was more that the company only MADE the flavors for a month, so that if they had leftovers, they would still sell them, rather than thrown them out. POOR DEFENSIVE AND APOLOGETIC COLLEGE DUDE. In my rush to try and make nice, I bought two scoops of October and now feel rather alarmingly full of dairy goodness.
Anyway, the Js are now SO CLOSE to being done with RTD's run of Doctor Who, it's terribly exciting. :) I'd actually forgotten a lot of 'Waters'
especially the whole part where Adelaide kills herself and history is rewritten just that little bit more horribly. I remembered the Doctor going batshit and the MASSIVE desire I had to actually see that storyline play out over a full season, but yeah- the details were all gone.
The rest of my day was spent trying to get things done off of my epic to-do checklist. I succeeded in most tasks, but fell short in a few. One of the items was to watch the next episode of Xena and film for the next in my youtube videos, but I ran out of daylight before I could do the filming. DAMN YOU, TILT OF THE EARTH'S AXIS. I did, midway through the episode, make a new twitter account for the recap project as a different way of keeping notes as I watch. I'm not sure how much it'll actually replace the handwritten notes, as twitter is such a different medium and it's different putting things out there for public consumption than just scrawling messily for myself. WE SHALL SEE. It's fun to try out, anyway.
Tomorrow is a big day for all of the interns- SuperD has organized a big scavenger hunt for us across DC, to be completed in pre-assigned teams of two. I'm paired with one of the acting fellows who I've never met, so we've been going back and forth over email to try and figure out things like team colors and our team name. I think he may actually be from Alexandria originally, so together, we have a DAMN good shot at doing well- I know that not all of the interns have had a chance to explore the city, and seeing as how I've been here 5.5 years... Let's just say I am happy to use any advantage my years of serfdom may have won. ;) Although I may also freeze to death, since it is going to be a high of 40 degrees and I still remain a fragile Louisianian flower at heart (and extremities).
Alright- scavenger hunt champions need their beauty rest.