"Look at the pretties!!!!"

Aug 06, 2011 22:49

Last weekend I tried to make the bustier for my Rapunzel costume and it turned out terribly, but I learned a lot. I decided to try again.

Thursday night I cut out all those blasted pieces again.

Last night I sewed the darts on the bodice, ironed my bias tape in half, and salvaged the hem lace from the first attempt.

This morning I woke up about 7:30 and started sewing everything together.

About 5:00 (including a quick lunch break I had to force myself to stop and take), I finally finished the main body of the bustier.

I was so inspired I even started sewing ribbons onto sleeves.


Le Bustier

This is actually looking like Rapunzel's costume! Color me squee'd!!

Dragon Con, here I come!!!

But first, I'm hitting the showers. :-P

general:costuming, costuming:rapunzel

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