Now that's what I call a good day.

Jul 05, 2011 18:33

emmaorgana and I challenged each other to finish 5,000 words toward our respective writing projects today

And I did it! Combined with the 900 some odd words of a Flynn & Pascal scene I wrote months ago and decided to keep, I am proudly able to claim the following:

Progress for het_bigbang fic:

Additionally, I got my Bible-reading, exercising, and grocery shopping done. I even stopped by the Geek squad and ordered the replacement battery for Pascal, since his 3-year warranty is about to expire. The guy working the counter noticed the Tangled sticker and commented that he had a buddy who loved Tangled so much he just named his new car Maximus and he's ordering vanity plates to that effect. Part of me was worried, but then I remembered that I'm spending a fortune and a lot of time making a Rapunzel costume, and then I thought maybe I should've asked if that guy was straight and single. LOL

I also got a blue tooth keyboard for Hardison that works as a cover. The keys are teensy, so that will take some getting used to, but it will be perfect for taking Hardison on the road with me for writing. Now all I have to do is buy the finest word processing program which will talk to all my Office .docs.

Speaking of Tangled, OMGOSH, I had a fabulous time writing this story today. I created a bunch of secondary and tertiary characters from Rapunzel's new life and from Flynn's past. I have a vague idea how to move things from here to the main "action" event to get things really going. My goal is to keep the whole story in the 35K to 50K range. I want it to read as though you could easily write a 90 minute sequel movie for Tangled.

So, anyway, now I'm going to vacuum the basement, eat supper, get into my PJs and hopefully have a nice video chat with bookwormprinces to tie off my long holiday weekend.

Tomorrow is a potentially long day at work, but if I get out earlier than expected, I'm thinking about going to Jo Ann's and springing for ONE MORE promotion/pay raise indulgence. That would be an adjustable dress form so I can both test alterations and take lovely photos for my costuming blog. I think I'm pretty committed to this sewing thing at this point. I have two costumes in mind for next year (both, I think, much simpler than this one), and I really want to start sewing my own real life clothes too. I have a 40% single item coupon from the Entertainment book. This would be a really great thing to spend it on.


fandom:tangled, general:costuming, real life:general, writing:general

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