Movin' along.

Jul 11, 2011 12:28

Life moves on apace.

I worked hard on sleeves this weekend for my Rapunzel costume. I practiced drafting a fitted sleeve with the help of the internet, which works, but could be slightly better if I knew more super expert nuances of tailoring. However, since I was mostly concerned with matching the armscye on the bodice, I'm not worried about it too much, because I don't need a fitted sleeve anyway: I need a puffed sleeve. Following those instructions, I made a puffed sleeve but it was way super too puffy, and also too long by about two inches. So. We try again tonight. But I am hopeful. If the sleeve trial goes well, then I think I will actually be at a place where, upon my return from France, I can actually cut out the honest-to-goodness beginning-of-the-end final pieces for this costume. *gasp*

(Many thanks to melyanna for finding those tutorials for me. They were easy to follow and, strangely, kind of fun. Because I am a nerd).

Also, 50% of my projected "by-Dragon-Con" embroidery is officially complete. Now to start from the top (um, literally) on the other side.

Speaking of France, I got all my laundry done yesterday and printed the flight itinerary. It's always interesting to have to figure out where you stashed your email/printout confirmation when you booked the flight nine months ago. Usually I'm pretty good about that sort of thing, but somehow I dropped the ball this time and ended up having to at least find out the correct airline from my mother's credit card statement. Oy ve. Still, 'tis done.

Still left to do: Scan & email myself a backup of my passport. Download and play with word processing software for Hardison so that I can read some friends' manuscripts and conceivably work on fanfic on the plane. Call my credit card company and give them a heads up that I'll be overseas (and make sure mom does the same). Make sure Matt has enough supplies to take care of the kitties while I'm gone. Get my bills paid and get some cash from the bank Friday morning before we leave (alas, this cannot be done any earlier, because Friday is payday. Go figure). And, you know, pack.

And that's basically it. Amidst all this hullaballoo I have also been trying to exercise and plan social engagements such as dinner tomorrow night with Mom and my friend Ruth, and Harry Potter on Thursday night (SO FREAKIN' EXCITED!!!!)

Dude, LJ, what is with all the spam commenting lately?

general:costuming, travel:paris2011, costuming:rapunzel

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