(no subject)

Feb 28, 2006 21:13

Thanks sho for the lj code ^0^
finaly I got it !!!!
NOIZ personal report!

Well the morning, we stand up at 8 or 9, we prepared all for the live and go at La loco for 12h30.
We see aolny 4 person, so we go at the Quick (french fast food) for eat something (and stay in warm places -___-") and there I stop! in front of me I saw a Van with japanese, and I see S@TT- ON and Angel Taka go out of the car *o* (I was fixed on the arm of Alex and I tightened it more and more extremely without knowing what to say.) I've also seen TAKEswiy at the door of la Loco!
so when Gordo say me hello, I havent seen that he was there XD. we waiting for Matto, but it was so cold, so we went to await him inside. After eaten we had all right has a transformation of Gordo and Matto ^^. It was our Space Warriors with us!
as it was very very cold, we decided to play Twister. (the play with round of color or one makes the idiots)but after two parts, one said to us to move back (it is the leitmotiv of Loco that!) in more one was done notched by the Germans girls with the pink hair behind us. Thus we arranged Twister! but I succeeded has to make me two blue on the buttocks! moreover kasun win always, and I was only second!!!
We have sing some song of kishidan and NOIZ, speak about PLC and MUCC who comme in 3 town in France this year ^___^ (MUCC comes in my town but I wasn't here T________T why?!!!)

the cameraman of staff came from time to time to film outside. when we see him we start to scream a lot and para-dance on chromosome six (especially Gordo in its costume of TAKEswiy with its red pulley blocks.)
Gritche want make IGNUITION too ^^ that was so funny! I 've seen petite yukie, but I've no speak a long time, sorry ^^', first I wait to be sure that was you (japanese wear and pierce at the NOIZ, yes you have but I'm wasn't sure enough XD)
we have also seen japanese staff enter with some fast food "quick" box XD they have ate like us !
and in fact one also saw passing a second guy with another package "quick" then then two women with two large bags of frozen! they were hungry!
at 16H30 passed, K' go at the press conf. *où and he has take our bags, but I have forget my ticket in my bag -___- I've call them, but he hav'nt answering, so I have a big stress!! but finally after the conf, he's come back. and he has say that NOIZ is totally Excellent!!! like thay have say that they was pervers, K' has asked why so musch nude pics on their blog (that's the question I want he ask ^^)
so at 18 they open the door, and with Alex we run at the front af the scene, in the right part, because I like TAKEswiy (but I'm sthink the next times, I go at the left one, for masato TAKA et Kyo)

first they arrived with the same intro of JAPAN TOYS PANIC DVD! (I love this intro) and I don't remember at all the setlist, even if I read it on other site XD
so my report will be totaly mixed ^^''
first surprise, the scene is directly in liaison with the public (not as with the concert of MUCC)!
first the costume was totally splendid (but why TAKEswiy wear a clown suit XD I don't like clown -___-)
Taka *o* and masato **o** ! well I saw S@TT-on as well behind is drum. I've saw Kyo smile *o* a beautiful smile, which schows that they are so happy to be there.
Taka tried to speak with the fan : at the first time I think his head was downwards because it concentrated to speak French. But when it was lost (there was a 3 minute old white) one understood that it read a paper in katakana on the ground! while it was lost TAKEswiy made like if it looked with far towards paper by ground. Then TAKA called a translator to be able to say what he wanted with the public. the translator was intimidated, and especially it hesitated a little a little, especially when TAKA required to make more pogo and of slam! "the young men go y merrily" but especially it translated the french baby by "bébé français" and that sounds very badly XD

during the concert TAKEswiy often comes in front of the scene, it much also smiles, with its smile of cat and its enormous yellow foam shoes.MASATO, which was in the left part, often also came on the line, and it had fun has to put its foot at the top of crowd. It even made a slam in the second part of the live. yes the concert was into two part, with a projection of the clips in the medium. When MASATO returned it had a wig (with Jackson five!) who had the color of Lida! XD
the band communicated enormously with the public. I liked the presentation: JE M'APPEL TAKEswiy HAHAHAAAAA (demon and perverse laughter) and kyo said another name (that makes laught TAKA)and TAKA said "Cassé! with his arm like the frech film "Brice de Nice" [I hate this film, it's not a good reference TAKA! but that was fun!]
They have a great presence on scene and much of charisma. we have try to make the parapara, but that's was really confused XDD in fact between parapara and pogo! but that's was so funny!
I don't have scream so much, beacause I was totaly desydrated T____T my lips stucks but, I have scream nevertheless! ^_______^

I think I will post another entry when my friend show me the note of the conference! so much funny things has been said!!

time that we will take our business there was the tail for the dedications, and that really did not advance! at one moment the woman of the organization ongaku says to us: you made signed only one object at the same time and don't discuss with the members (blablabla...) -_______- but she sucks!!! XD and I've take my time, give my letter to TAKA, I made sign my photograph naked of masato, and they put the hand in front of the mouth while laughing. Taka as well laughed. I have my Ego-Style signed by all the members, and I've also my TAKEswiy's meadiator signed! and like I've bet with Gritche I've kiss all the members! but that's was a little chaotic XD

Gordo an Matto have offerd a wine bottle with particular sticker on at the members, we have forgot to take a pics, but they have laught, and Gordo has said me that Kyo at really laugh a lot! after we are stay a little in the room, but the woman said always "go out!" but we have speak with the translator 'and she has again said we have to get out -___-) that's like that this day ended ^^' (we are go eat something!

the GOods : http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/8127/photo03405uj.jpg someones knows if the Badges are the same for all? 'cause they was sale in an little bag close, and that was a surprise!

the shirt I worn : (with a big english mistake XD I'm sorry for the english to write an english worst like this ^^'' http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/6971/photo03396sb.jpg (back) http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/9259/photo03388cg.jpg (front) the bear is called MASATO XD
when I 'm waitning for the signing the cameraman see my shirt ahd make "oohhhh" so I turn and show what I've write on the back... and he try to film this, but first he forget to remove the mask XD . after he try to read the english text and he don't arrived to read heart XD that was really fun! http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/813/sta600242qq.jpg my pics of MASATO http://img154.imageshack.us/img154/5272/photo03376wo.jpg (TAKEswiy mediator *o* thank's Gritche)
Greg have take the second glove of TAKEswiy but when he gives me, kasun take it -___-" messante kasun! I have also take one mediator of Kyo (I don't know how ! the space warriors power XD) but I've give it to Alex!
and non DVD and no shirt on Sale, I'm sad, so I've bought a towel XD (gritche and K' have gift me Zero no keifu and Greg the first album (with the dedicace ^^)

TAKA write something like this on is blog *o* "As for the French performance great success! Asking success, the てthe BABY and the ベリーサンクス which give! Love of the BABY has reached to France the ゼッ! Little by little, the UP you try probably to keep doing the thing of the French performance here." I LOVE THEM


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