^_____________________________^ BIRTHDAY!!!

Mar 01, 2006 09:32

Today is... MY BIRTHDAY!!! yeahhhhhh

I take one year in more -______- oh nooo I'm so old now XD!
kasun like ever send me an sms at 7 pm ^^' but I wasn't really sleep!
Gordo has said me on msn at 00h01 ^^
My ex neighbourn wish me yesterday ^^'

hummm I've take this pics on petite yukie LJ 'cause we can see me and my friend in front of la Loco ^^
(si ça t'embete je l'enlève ^^)


today I try to send a messsage for NOIZ (I want to be a big fan so I send a lot of message ^^')
and today isn't it the release of DACCO happy dance!!!!

well I want AYA for Gift!!! who want offerd me?


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