Boy, 4 weeks has gone by fast...

May 29, 2014 21:00

So, yeah, I've been here in Marquette, Michigan (well, Gwinn/Sawyer, actually) for 4 weeks now. Long story short: mom made it through her valve replacement surgery and pacemaker surgery just fine. Long story long: It wasn't a smooth process. I opened up a family-only facebook group and kept everyone up to date as to what was going on within minutes of me getting the news. (I'm posting them all here, so I have a secondary account somewhere. It starts at the end of January when she went in for the heart catheterisation. Feel free to read, if you are so inclined. Long story is long, with lots of chatter between family members.)

Jan 28, 2014
Okay, mom's been wheeled back into recovery, I spoke with the surgeon and made a run for food (hadn't et anything since last night). And, because I am contrary, bad new first.
Bad news: the arterial valve is Very Bad. Not letting near enough blood through and is causing the heart to begin to fail. Needs to be replaced right away.
Good News: coronary arteries are beautiful, nothing needed be cleared out or stented, no alarming signs of artery disease or cholesterol build-up. Also, heart is only in very beginning stages of damage from bad arterial valve. Heart will be able to recover quite nicely after valve is replaced.
Bad news: Surgeon will not operate until mom has had a dentist go through her mouth and make sure there is no signs of decay or infected tooth. Mom hasn't seen a dentist since 1989, due to finances and lack of insurance.
Good News: surgeon has been made aware of this and will have his office call around for assistance immediately. Mom has excellent prognosis with surgery.
Bad news: This will be major surgery. They will crack open her sternum to do the valve replacement. She will be laid up for a couple of months. Also, her car has gone kaput and she has decided to sell it to Marv, who has been taking care of it (and plowing out her driveway and been lots of help). Carl, her other neighbor, is retired and has nothing better to do than chauffer mom around when she needs to go out. (good news, actually)
Good News: I work retail and this is the slow season.
We are going to aim the surgery for around the first of March. I will be back from Wicked Faire and can just stay at Sawyer rather then migrating back and forth all the time. She is considering moving up to the Keweenaw in the spring. I will look around the area for an affordable place that will be suitable for her, Lizzie and all her books and crafts.
mom is currently floating about in a lovely Valium haze and is comfortable. May have to get a heated blanket for her feet, though. They keep getting cold. Have piled on another blanket already.
Am on my 3rd can of Pepsi. Sleep will be interesting tonight.
Nikki MacLagan
1/28, 2:33pm
Nikki MacLagan
At least it sounds like things are moving along well. Not too much bad news all around. Good to have nice neighbors! Can Carole take them w her to Keewanaw? Hehe
Deb Matthews
1/28, 2:35pm
Deb Matthews
There's a couple small houses and a few rental apartments right in Dodgeville. Which are about a 5 minute walk from my house. And right near the storage units, in case she still has too much stuff.
January 28
Nikki MacLagan
1/28, 7:21pm
Nikki MacLagan
What's the latest update? U guys make it home ok?
Deb Matthews
1/28, 8:08pm
Deb Matthews
We are home, had some supper. Just chilling for now. Have to wait to hear from the surgeons office for assistance with a dentist. Still need to watch mom for another day or two to make sure there isn't going to be a problem with the surgical site at the femoral artery.
She is already bruising terribly from all they places they tried to start the iv.
Also working at getting her in touch with the VA tomorrow to sign her up for benefits.
Kacie J MacLagan
1/28, 8:11pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Ma had the same thing with hers too. She had bruises for weeks after. Granted she did pull a few iv's out. glad u guys are home. Rest up. Sounds like u need it
Nikki MacLagan
1/28, 8:13pm
Nikki MacLagan
Mom is a little upset to hear everything. Will most likely call tomorrow night so the two can talk. tho Mom has trouble talking I think they both need it
Deb Matthews
1/28, 8:14pm
Deb Matthews
We'll be here all day. Car is dead, not going anywhere.
Nikki MacLagan
1/28, 8:18pm
Nikki MacLagan
Cool. Really think it would be good for both.
January 29
Deb Matthews
1/29, 4:48pm
Deb Matthews
Car is being sold. No sense in wasting $$ on auto insurance on a car that is going to sit for several months. Neighbor made excellent offer for the car.
Kacie: you are being made co-power of attorney to handle things on your end. Mom needs you to call Dean, to check into the family plots at the cemetary and make absolutely certain that all the paperwork is done and everything is paid for (just in case!). If not, then we will have to get that done. We aren't expecting the operation to go wrong, and mom is in good health, but as Murphy is the family patron saint...
Jeff: you are still the executor of mom's will, yes? Is there anything else we need to take care of for mom in the burial paperwork? You can email her at and make sure you both are on the same page.
I reiterate: we are just making sure averything is set in case of Worst Case Scenario. Mom is in good health and in good spirits. The doctors are very confident that she will bounce back after the valve is replaced, and Marquette General is an excellent cardiac hospital. The one wound that I needed to keep track of for infection, etc, has already healed beautifully and I only needed a bandaid for the dressing. THank you Pokie for the Wolverine Healing Factor!
I will be headed home tomorrow, Lee isn't feeling well, and mom doesn't really need me here until the surgery. She has excellent neighbors to drive her wherever she needs to go. I will be loading a Nook with books that she hasn't got yet. Hopefully having a Nook will curtail her ever-expanding library. ::crosses fingers::
Kacie J MacLagan
1/29, 5:04pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Ok sounds good. I will get with dad and see what I can dig up.
Jeff Chavez
1/29, 5:41pm
Jeff Chavez
Yes, I still have all of the paperwork. I will reach out to see if there are any updates.
Thank you for the communication Deb.
Kacie J MacLagan
1/29, 5:45pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Dad and I are also planning to head over to the cemetary tomorrow to check there. If there is anything you need us to check Jeff or Deb let me know. Plan to be over there around 930-10. I can check on whatever we need
January 30

Jan 30You added Carole Chavez.
January 30
Kacie J MacLagan
1/30, 2:17pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Ok so this is what we have so far. Dad and I went to the cemetery. Everything is paid for on that end EXCEPT:
Vault: which is $1173.70, and headstone which without the flower pot: 2600, with is 3200. Once those are paid then on that part everything will be done.
Kacie J MacLagan
1/30, 2:20pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Now the issue is this. Carole does have the insurance which will get her down here for burial. But we went and check the funeral homes no one has any record of Carole for funeral plans. Not the one pokie went to and not Langland. So nothing funeral wise according to records down here has been done. Dad said he thought pokie had taken care of that all but we can't find any records. So if Carole has any of this we may need to find it. The funeral is what 10 grand?
Kacie J MacLagan
1/30, 2:21pm
Kacie J MacLagan
I have copies of what was paid at the cemetary and the travel insurance stuff with me so at least that is here
April 10
Deb Matthews
4/10, 5:23pm
Deb Matthews
Mom got the all-clear from the dentist, she is ready for surgery. Now just waiting on the surgeon's office to call back with the date. Which is just as well, mom's starting to get migraines again.
Needless to say, I'm crawling out of my skin waiting for the "big move". At least I have a list to pack with.
Daniel MacLagan
4/10, 5:24pm
Daniel MacLagan
Thanks for the update.
Deb Matthews
4/10, 5:25pm
Deb Matthews
She should hear from them in the next few days.
Kacie J MacLagan
4/10, 5:27pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Sounds good. I am trying to work in a vacation week end of this month or may so can help w/ move/grabbing stuff.
Deb Matthews
4/10, 5:28pm
Deb Matthews
Wrong move. I'm talking about me moving to mom's for the next 6-8 weeks.
Kacie J MacLagan
4/10, 5:29pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Oh that one. Hehe. Then Anywho when we get dates etc, I can plan my vaca round that. Have to get 2 weeks in before sept
Deb Matthews
4/10, 5:30pm
Deb Matthews
I haven't found anything locally that's in her price range yet, but I haven't checked the housing commission for senior housing yet.
Nikki MacLagan
4/10, 5:33pm
Nikki MacLagan
I plan to do my vacay the second and third week of June. Can try to offer some help then when we all figure out what needs done where.
Deb Matthews
4/10, 5:46pm
Deb Matthews
I'll know more by June as to what kind of place she'll be able to live in on her own or if she wants to go into assisted living.
April 14
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:01pm
Deb Matthews
Mom just called, surgery is scheduled for the 30th of April. I shall be migrating over to her place the weekend before, or thereabout.
Donna Kaye
4/14, 3:14pm
Donna Kaye
Kacie J MacLagan
4/14, 3:22pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Cool. I am off that week so let us know.
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:23pm
Deb Matthews
Will do!
Nikki MacLagan
4/14, 3:25pm
Nikki MacLagan
That's the heart surgery, right? She already did the dental stuff?
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:26pm
Deb Matthews
Yes, this is the big one. She was cleared through the dental work last week.
Nikki MacLagan
4/14, 3:26pm
Nikki MacLagan
That's what i thought but couldn't quite remember. Cool they got one so fast.
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:27pm
Deb Matthews
They wanted to do it last month, but mom needed the dental work first.
Nikki MacLagan
4/14, 3:28pm
Nikki MacLagan
How is she doing? Mentally & physically?
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:29pm
Deb Matthews
She's starting to feel a little dizzy and having some migraines, but they should all go away with the valve replacement. Other than that, she's doing well.
Nikki MacLagan
4/14, 3:30pm
Nikki MacLagan
That's good to hear. Keep us posted. I have to get back to work!
Deb Matthews
4/14, 3:30pm
Deb Matthews
okay, later!
April 29
Nikki MacLagan
4/29, 7:52pm
Nikki MacLagan
Tried to get Mom to want to call Aunt Carole but she hates talking on the phone anymore. Let Carole know I want to bring Mom up for a visit in June and the two can cause trouble in the UP!
Deb Matthews
4/29, 7:52pm
Deb Matthews
That should be fine. Mom should be mostly recovered by then.
We go in tomorrow morning at 5:15. Mom is first on the docket. Everything looks great, all her labs have come back great, all tests have come back great. They don't forsee any problems.
Nikki MacLagan
4/29, 7:59pm
Nikki MacLagan
Cool! I will get Mom to talk to her in a couple days.
Deb Matthews
4/29, 8:00pm
Deb Matthews
Mom should be coherent again by Friday, but she will still be in the hospital. I can get a phone # there for her room hen she gets settled again.
Nikki MacLagan
4/29, 8:05pm
Nikki MacLagan
Can plan something to maybe call ur cell first
Deb Matthews
4/29, 8:18pm
Deb Matthews
Yep. I'll be there all day tomorrow, then will be running about town getting things done on Thursday. Then will take it day by day. Have an appt. to take Lizzie in to the vet on Monday afternoon. mom might be home by then, not sure yet.
April 30
Deb Matthews
4/30, 9:02am
Deb Matthews
Sorry I missed the whole check-in announcement. Have been dozing in and out of consciousness for the last couple of hours. Was a very early morning for both of us. We got here at 5:15 for check in and they rolled mom off to pre-op about 7 am.
It is now 9 am.
Mom is now "on pump", meaning they have stopped her heart and have her on the bypass machine, and lowered her body temperature. This is Stage One of the procedure. Will keep everyone updated as they tell me what stage she is at.
Now I need to go find breakfast.
Deb Matthews
4/30, 9:54am
Deb Matthews
Mom is now "re-warming". They are raising her body temps back to normal. Next stage will be when they take her off the pump.
Kacie J MacLagan
4/30, 10:00am
Kacie J MacLagan
Thanks for the updates Deb. Sounds like it's all going good. Hugs to u both
Deb Matthews
4/30, 10:46am
Deb Matthews
Mom is now "off pump", meaning that she's been taken off the bypass machine and her heart is now beating on it's own. They are also rewarming her back up to normal temperature.
Still, so far, so good, no complications that I know of.
Stu Matthews
4/30, 11:58am
Stu Matthews
Deb Matthews
4/30, 12:29pm
Deb Matthews
Just talked with the surgeon, there were no surprises, no complications at all. The valve was very very bad and we caught it before it damaged the heart.
Mom's heart muscle is a bit thick from having to fight against the bad valve, so it doesn't like to relax and draw the blood in, but the surgeon is confidant that will settle out for the better with the new valve and rehab.
Mom has a temporary pacemaker, because her heart was beating very slow. Whether or not she will need a permanent one, they will see over the next few days while she;s here in the hospital and they get her up and moving around. It is minor and a non-invasive surgery (they won't need to open her up again).
Mom is up and sort-of awake, they'll have her ready to see visitors in about 45 minutes.
Daniel MacLagan
4/30, 12:31pm
Daniel MacLagan
That's great. Here's to continued good news.
Kacie J MacLagan
4/30, 1:49pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Wonderful news. Had lunch w/ dad and let him know the latest. Thanks for the update Deb. Excellent news.
Deb Matthews
4/30, 3:10pm
Deb Matthews
Have returned back to Sawyer. Got to see mom before I left, she's still asleep and probably won't wake up until sometime this evening/night. She has pinked up really well and doesn't have much swelling in her hands or feet at all. A very nice change already! She will remain in recovery until they can remove the breathing tube, probably sometime tonight or tomorrow morning. They need her conscious and coherent to do that.
She will be on liquid diet tomorrow. And since she had nothing to eat today, she will be rather surly, I imagine. I shall try to smuggle in some of her favourite ice cream when I go to visit tomorrow.
Lizzie is convinced we abandoned her forever (even though Mary, the neighbor) was kind enough to let her out several times while we were gone. I may have a small tumour sprout in bed tonight. Poor thing doesn't know what to do .
Kacie J MacLagan
4/30, 3:16pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Hehe. Sounds like us and princess when ma goes in. But is good to hear the swelling is better. That is best news
May 1
Deb Matthews
5/1, 12:45pm
Deb Matthews
Good news and bad news
I'm here with mom for a while today. She has been awake a few times and is coherent (well, as much as the drugs will let her) and knows who I am and can follow instructions.
She is not breathing well on her own, so she is still on the machine. She keeps setting off the alarms because she is a shallow breather and isn't taking in enough oxygen on her own (Hey, I do that, too). She has some pain due to the drainage tubes in her chest. We already knew that was going to be pretty bad, but they have kept on top of that and have been keeping her comfortable.
Last night, she began having small seizures all through the night and today. I have seen 3 so far, and yes, they are small and don't last long. They seem to be primarily on her right side. When she's awake, we can get her to move her arms and left leg. She can turn her head to the right, but not so much to the left. She can feel her right foot when I tickle it.
They ran her down and took a scan of her brain last night, and there was no sign of a blood clot, stroke, or any other tangible damage. Early this morning they took an EKG of her brain and that is being reviewed by the doctor today.
As I said, the seizures are small, and I have seen them for myself. When she is awake, she knows where she is and who is around her. She is still in pain from the drainage tubes (which everyone says is the worst part of the surgery), and she is still sleeping a lot.
So, I guess it's just as well I forgot to bring her ice cream today. She is asleep right now, and I will stay here for a few more hours before I have to go back and let Lizzie out and get something to eat. I plan on coming back this evening for a bit.
The doctors were not aware of any seizure problems, but since I have Petit Mal seizures once in a while, I thought I'd mention it.
NO PANICKING until we get more information. This all may just be a reaction to the major surgery and anesthesia. It's still very early post-op. I will keep everyone informed, I promise!
Daniel MacLagan
5/1, 12:47pm
Daniel MacLagan
Thanks Deb. Fingers crossed and my prayers are there with you gals.
Nikki MacLagan
5/1, 12:49pm
Nikki MacLagan
Thx for letting us know. Need anything call and we will do our best to help
Deb Matthews
5/1, 12:51pm
Deb Matthews
Nurses just came in and turned mom a bit so she won't get bed sores. She seems to be a little more relaxed. Or that could be the morphine settling in.
May 1
Deb Matthews
5/1, 6:11pm
Deb Matthews
Back to see mom for couple more hours. There have been no new seizures since I last updated, but they will be taking her back down for a cat scan in the morning to make sure she didn't have a small stroke or bleed. Sometimes they take a bit to show up on the scan. Other than that, all her signs and labs are coming back lovely, though she is still on the ventilator.
Her colouring looks very good, and once in a while she wakes up slightly and moves a bit before settling back down.
I have the old radio show The Shadow on cds so I will play a couple of those tonight for her while I sit with her and play Words With Friends.
Nikki MacLagan
5/1, 6:15pm
Nikki MacLagan
That's good to hear there have been no more issues. Always afraid to leave even though u have to and not know what might happen.
Kacie and I are w Damian at his Spring Showcase. Waiting for his interesting stories. Lol
Deb Matthews
5/1, 6:16pm
Deb Matthews
Yeah, but I had to go and let Lizzie out, giver her afternoon snacks and feed myself. And give her extra cuddles because her mommy isn't there.
Nikki MacLagan
5/1, 6:17pm
Nikki MacLagan
We do that when Mom ends up @ the hospital. Princess never knows what's going on
Deb Matthews
5/1, 6:19pm
Deb Matthews
This is the first time Lizzie has been without mom- ever. She's a mess, poor thing.
Deb Matthews
5/1, 9:10pm
Deb Matthews
Just as I was getting ready to leave for the night, just after the nurse's shift change, I was letting the new nurse in on what I had been seeing today, and I noted that she hadn't been moving the right foot/leg, she stretched out and moved both feet!
They are still going to do another CT scan in the morning, just to rule out a mini stroke or a bleeder.
We sat and listened to a couple episodes of The Shadow. I wish I had better speakers on my laptop, but I will work with what I have. I have enough cds for another 8 visits. I'll stop by Wal-Mart tomorrow and see if I can pick up some better speakers.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/1, 9:18pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Nikki MacLagan
5/1, 9:26pm
Nikki MacLagan
May 2
Deb Matthews
5/2, 12:56pm
Deb Matthews
Again, another good news, bad news kind of day.
They had mom up and breathing on her own this morning for about an hour and a half, she did well, but got too tired to keep up with the deep breaths they need her to take on her own, so she's back on support, although at a weaker setting.
She is still having some sort of seizure activity, but no one would have noticed them, apparently. I only noticed them because I was hold ing her hand and arm at the time. They are very small and lasting only about 10 seconds. She is already on an anti-seizure medication now. I am keeping an eye out so I can call the nurse in when I see it again (I've seen two since I've been here this morning).
Again, since mom lives alone, she may have been having them all along and no one knew. We just don't know at this point.
The surgeon and the neurologist should be by within the hour to have a chat.
They stopped the insulin this morning, but her blood sugar started climbing again, so the nurse gave her a shot ot insulin. This is actually normal for this type of surgery. The body consolidates energy to heal and the pancreas gets neglected. She may need insulin for a while when she gets home again until she is fully healed, or not.
She may be getting the drainage tubes out this evening, which will make it a lot more comfortable to cough. They cause her the most pain right now, again, perfectly normal for this procedure.
She is still moving all of her limbs, cooperating with all the instructions she is given, and sleeps a lot.
When mom is awake, she is lucid, knows who we are and can communicate with us with gestures and hand movements.
I brought in her hairbrush this morning, she had an Opie Taylor look going so I got that under control.
Didn't get to WalMart for the speakers yet. Have to take Lizzie in to the vet this afternoon. I did bring in one of mom's framed photos of Lizzie and the nurses put it up where mom could see it when she wakes up. They all think Lizzie is adorable. They don't know Lizzie very well.
Deb Matthews
5/2, 1:25pm
Deb Matthews
Just saw the doc. Whatever is happening with the seizure/tremours, it isn't happening in the brain. The EEG and both CT scans came back clear (which also means no stoke, no bleeders, no clots, etc). Whatever it is, it may be something perfectly normal (for us), something that may have been happening all along that no one knew about, or it could be something that may be a stress reaction from the surgery that will resolve itself over time as she heals.
Again, we shall keep an eye on it.
Also, they are simply waiting for mom to wake up enough to remove the breathing tubes. She's still very, very sleepy and they prefer to let her sleep it all off rather than try to force her awake before her body is ready.
So, kinda sorta good news.
Daniel MacLagan
5/2, 1:26pm
Daniel MacLagan
Thanks Deb
Kacie J MacLagan
5/2, 1:36pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Good news. Hopefully the seizure meds will do her more good then they did ma. Crossing fingers on that anyway. Ma's made her hallucinate bad and we took her off of them. But good to hear no signs in brain of clots/stroke. Good news.
Deb Matthews
5/2, 1:37pm
Deb Matthews
There are a lot of different types of anti seizure drugs. Had to try a few before they found one for me that worked well enough without the weird side effects.
Nikki MacLagan
5/2, 3:06pm
Nikki MacLagan
Great news! And if the seizures are minor enough and doesn't cause any other issues that's good too. We can't see when Mom has one either. No "classic" signs for us to monitor.
May 2
Deb Matthews
5/2, 6:36pm
Deb Matthews
Back with mom this evening. They've got her sitting up and she's awake and watching the Supernatural Marathon. Still on the ventilator, but she's communicating with me. Slow, as she can't mouth words around the tube, but for the most part she's cold and needs more blankets.
oops, brb, gotta get a nurse.
Nikki MacLagan
5/2, 6:38pm
Nikki MacLagan
Deb Matthews
5/2, 6:48pm
Deb Matthews
Mom's been awake for a while, and just had a coughing fit (good! it helps keep her lungs clear!). On the downside, because she's been awake for so long, she's starting to fight the ventilator, and she's not ready to come off of it tonight. She's cold, but since she has a slight temp, she can't get bundled up. But we can warm up her feet and she says she's good with that.
Nikki MacLagan
5/2, 6:50pm
Nikki MacLagan
So basically she is sounding like herself! Lol
Deb Matthews
5/2, 6:52pm
Deb Matthews
Yep. With her being awake, her gag reflex is kicking in and driving her up the wall.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/2, 7:19pm
Kacie J MacLagan
A maclagan/raab with some stubborness ..... never
May 3
Deb Matthews
5/3, 11:59am
Deb Matthews
Mom us up and awake and off the ventilator today. She can talk and is having some vision problems, but it is expected. She is fully coherent and can carry on a conversation. Today she will start on liquids and they are talking about getting her up and moving and sitting in a lazy boy chair for a bit this evening.
As far as the doctors can figure, the seizures are "an anomoly". Mom seems to have a few of those.
I brought in a cd player so she can listen to The Shadow. I will bring some of her audio books tonight so she has something else other than the television.
Daniel MacLagan
5/3, 12:03pm
Daniel MacLagan
That's great. Thanks for the updates.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/3, 12:32pm
Kacie J MacLagan
May 4
Deb Matthews
5/4, 1:33pm
Deb Matthews
They've got mom up and moving today. She has her pillow for chest support, and had some soft food for lunch that she says was actually delicious (she's had some problems tasting things for a while now). She's been sitting in a chair a few times so far. We've been just sitting and chatting.
They're getting her ready to get up and walk about a little bit. We don't think she will be ready to come home tomorrow, she's just now able to get out of bed herself, let alone get into and out of the chair without using her arms. She is not allowed to lift or press anything heavier than a coffee cup at this point, to minimise pressure and torque on her chest. It may be a few more days.
They removed all the IV lines from her left arm, so she's down to the one in her neck and the one on her right arm. She can talk and cough relatively easily and continues to cough up some crud out of her lungs like she supposed to.
She is still a bit weak and dizzy and having trouble focusing her eyes, all are because she still has the effects of the anesthesia running about in her system. This will continue for a while yet, and it's normal.
Mom has also hit the "itchy" stage, now that she is awake long enough in between naps for her to notice all the bits of tape and dry skin and healing bits. They washed her face this morning, but she is hankering for a shower. That will still be a ways off until she can stand by herself for a longer period of time. Right now, she is able to walk from the bed to the door and back.
Other than that, she is doing very, very well. The doctor was hoping she would be moving up and about sooner, but he is please with her healing and everything is looking great. She will also have to be on insulin for a while until her body is finished healing and is back to normal.
Oops: mom is now walking (slowly, and holding the back of a wheelchair for support) down the hall. Great progress!
In other news: Lizzie and I have bonded over B-grade horror movies and Lee may have a torn rotator cuff from shoveling snow this winter. The rest of his back is also a bit of a mess.
And now mom has made it back to bed. She is ready for a nap, so I will wrap it up and head on back down to the house for a while.
Nikki MacLagan
5/4, 1:41pm
Nikki MacLagan
Very nice! I think we will wait to call her for a couple more days. Give her some more time to heal and breathe.
May 5
Deb Matthews
5/5, 12:38pm
Deb Matthews
Mom has been sitting up in a chair since 7 am. She is having a sandwich and beets for lunch- solid food! Very much awake and slightly uncomfortable because her movement is still limited by the IVs, both of which are being removed today.
They are moving her to the step-down unit later today, out of the ICU and into a ward where she can get her rehab done. She's not coming home until she can get in and out of bed safely by herself. Which is good, because I don't have a lot of strength in my hands and we'd both end up getting hurt.
She got a bath today, but she is chomping at the bit for a good shower or a long soak.
It looks like she will probably need a pacemaker put in. This was always a possibility, but there wasn't any way to know for sure until she was healed enough to get a good reading on the her own natural pacemaker (a temporary one was put in for support during the surgery- it is a short-term device). This is actually pretty common after this sort of procedure, because the nerves that control the natural pacemaker are right on top of the valve that had to be replaced. Sometimes they get damaged, sometimes they don't. It is what it is.
So she won't be coming home today as was originally suggested, but she will be moved out of the ICU today, so I still call that a win.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/5, 12:40pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Deb Matthews
5/5, 12:53pm
Deb Matthews
Oops, okay, she'll still be in the ICU, just not in the critical care ward.
May 5
Nikki MacLagan
5/5, 5:12pm
Nikki MacLagan
Still great news. Poor Lizzie tho. Is there a way u might be able to get the 2 to see each other? Or record Carole's voice for her?
Deb Matthews
5/5, 5:15pm
Deb Matthews
No, MGH doesn't allow therapy animals at this time, let alone pets. And I have to weave my way through a good chunk of building (and 2 floors) to get to the ICU unit. Lizzie is too big to smuggle (quietly) into my backpack.
Mom's voice is still pretty raspy. Lizzie is snuggled up on the bakc of the couch behind my head right now. It's only for a few more days. Mom's really moving along now that she's off the ventilator. They had her up and on the toilet for the first time today. Baby steps!
Nikki MacLagan
5/5, 7:01pm
Nikki MacLagan
May 6
Deb Matthews
5/6, 2:10pm
Deb Matthews
Alrighty. They tried to move mom upstairs to a regular recovery, but had to move back to the CCU because her blood sugar went wonky and they had to put her back on IV insulin. They are going to try to send her back up to the step-down unit again this evening if everything looks good.
She is itching to get up and move and has commandeered a wheelchair, as it's more comfortable than the rocking chair. And they can move the foot rests so she has something to put her feet on. Being short means her feet usually dangle and then her legs fall asleep.
She ate a bit of lasagna for lunch and all of the fruit, veg and pudding. She also waxed lyrical over the salad she had yesterday. Having her taste buds behaving as they should means she can actually *enjoy* food again instead of dreading it. We will have to watch that, although coming into the summer time farmer's markets I'm sure we can put a serious dent in her food bill without messing up her heath in the process.
We are looking at a physical rehab place that will take her for a couple weeks in order to get her strong enough to come home. At this point, she cannot use her arms for anything more strenuous than lifting a glass of milk or turning a page in a book. Seriously. She cannot put any stress at all on her arms or pectorals. None. She isn't allowed to put any stress on the sternum for 6 weeks. And she insists on not coming home until she can get in and out of the bed by self and can take a shower by herself. I concur, because even though I am here to assist, I cannot due much with my hands. Arm strength is excellent, but my ability to grab and hold is shot. Still, I can cook and clean and play with Lizzie and run errands. The Doc is calling around for a bad in a rehab unit for her.
She is out on her walk now and is adamant about getting some walking time in order to get more strength in her legs. She is up and using the toilet on a regular basis now, with some assistance getting her there and back. I've brought in some of her music cds as requested. If she gets moved upstairs to the regular care unit, she will have a roommate to annoy.
Mom is back from her walk and seated in the wheelchair again. Apparently they have never heard of anyone saying the wheelchair is very comfortable and prefer it over the rocking chair. Ah yes, contrariness doesn't run in our family much, does it?
Kacie J MacLagan
5/6, 2:13pm
Kacie J MacLagan
That's good news. We'll not the had to go back but watch out. Liking the wheelchair she may vanish one day to go for a walk outside. Hehe
Deb Matthews
5/6, 2:17pm
Deb Matthews
Also: there seems to be a heart defect in the Raab line, and not just the aortic valve. Mom has a heart murmur from birth, and I guess Uncle Paul had a hole in his heart, then died at age 2. Gramma Mac had a defective valve and we know how that turned out. Both Great Gramma and G-Grandpa Raab died from heart failure. I will mention this when I have my annual later this summer. Best to get it looked at, just in case.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/6, 2:20pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Oh yeah. Think I remember hearing about some of these. Heart issues on both sides of family here. Emig side too for us. Fun times. Sorry Donna, Stu, Gar. You guys all get a book to give to docs when you go in.
May 7
Deb Matthews
5/7, 12:53pm
Deb Matthews
Alrighty then. Mom's been up and about today, bright and early. She walked around the unit a couple times, and her lung capacity is improving. PT has been by, and they may be taking her over to the PT unit as early as tomorrow.
She got a scrub down "bath" earlier (3 am!) because she was feeling grungy. They were going to let her take a shower, because they don't know what to do with the heart monitor that's still attached.
Mom's still a bit "off" from the after effects of the anesthesia: she's having a little bit of slurring and some trouble with listing to the right when she stands up. She says the slurring bit she had the same problem after her last surgery. The listing fits in with the bit with her not moving her right side at all right after the surgery. PT should take care of that, especially with her wanting to be up and about all the time.
I brought in a single serving (1/2 cup) of her ice cream (Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Fudge Brownie) into the freezer on the ward until she's ready for it. I think she's going to be full after the large salad they brought her. She is enjoying the new low carb, low salt, low sugar diet she is on: it's mostly salad and protein. Not to mention that MGH has excellent food already.
Donna Kaye
5/7, 12:59pm
Donna Kaye
The effects of the anesthesia could possibly be genetic as well - my epidural with Annika had an extended effect on one side (the right side as well- not nearly as long but long enough that they were cocking their heads to the side at me.) No epidural the second time so I wasn't sure if it was a fluke or not.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/7, 2:25pm
Kacie J MacLagan
I had an issue w/ my epidural as well for my knee surgery. Then local for my wisdom teeth. Could be genetic.
Deb Matthews
5/7, 3:54pm
Deb Matthews
All the interesting things we find out when we get together and talk about family history.
Nikki MacLagan
5/7, 4:02pm
Nikki MacLagan
My epi just made me numb from the armpits down @ 10cc. But wore off alright after Damian.
Deb Matthews
5/7, 4:03pm
Deb Matthews
Mine (with Donna) paralysed me from the waist down, but I could still feel everything. They kept pumping drugs into it, but none of it worked at all.
Nikki MacLagan
5/7, 4:05pm
Nikki MacLagan
They would do the ice cube test and bump it down. But by the time I was fully dilated it didn't matter. Could feel the pressure but that was it.
Deb Matthews
5/7, 4:06pm
Deb Matthews
Nope, they were setting up to do the C-section and someone started poking my toes with a needle. I screamed and let them know that I felt that. The doc *finally* started believing me then.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/7, 7:02pm
Kacie J MacLagan
I don't remember anything after the needle went in until I woke up during surgery . But would have pain in area long time after
Deb Matthews
5/7, 7:02pm
Deb Matthews
So, we all get to make a note that this family has weird reactions to anesthesia.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/7, 7:04pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Yep! I woke up during both my surgeries. Was really kinda cool. Saw inside of my knee and felt them explode my tooth. Lol
Deb Matthews
5/7, 7:06pm
Deb Matthews
I think that's our overactive livers. My Novocain wore off halfway though a root canal. Happens all the time actually. Something about my liver just super efficient about clearing crap out of my system.
Kacie J MacLagan
5/7, 7:10pm
Kacie J MacLagan
Yeah should be interesting whenever I decide to go in and get my knee replaced. May have nik w/ me to just knock me out. Hehe
May 8
Nikki MacLagan
5/8, 12:31pm
Nikki MacLagan
Happy Mother's Day. Put these on Gram's from all of us.

Deb Matthews
5/8, 1:16pm
Deb Matthews
Donna Kaye
5/8, 1:24pm
Donna Kaye
Deb Matthews
5/8, 3:39pm
Deb Matthews
Mom is now in the rehab wing. It only took 5 hours of paperwork and doctor chasing to get mom moved over.
She finally got a shower in this morning, but it took an hour and she got thoroughly exhausted. Then when she got back to bed, her heart did weird fluttery thing and she finally had a panic attack. She figures it was due. She's settled down now. I packed her up and followed her down to the rehab unit. I brought some clothing, because now she can wear loose, comfortable clothing while in the rehab unit. She has a list now so when I come back in tomorrow I'll have the rest. I remembered her toothbrush and tooth picks but forgot the toothpaste.
There is a ton more paperwork I get to read to mom and have her sign (admissions to the rehab unit).

Mom has a roommate now and their nurse are all crafters. the nurse is a knitter. I suspect there will be shenanigans.
Had a rip-roaring thunderstorm this morning and I discovered that Lizzie doesn't like them. Had to stay snuggled in bed an extra hour to console her. May have to take off soon as the weather is looking sketchy again.
May 9
Deb Matthews
5/9, 9:26am
Deb Matthews
And we're back into the ICU. Mom's heartrate dropped to 22 with in equally low BP. They are stabilising her now. It will be a couple hours before an OR opens up. They will be putting in the pacemaker ASAP.
It's a waiting game again.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 10:46am
Deb Matthews
She's just been wheeled off to the OR. The pacemaker is a pretty quick and minimally invasive surgery. She had a horrible migraine when I saw her, but they gave her some good drugs and she was stoned off her gourd. They had to put the IV into her leg, as the ones in her arms are completely shot or inaccessible. She also may have threatened them at some point, so they went with the leg. Mom's idea, actually. She said it was horribly painful, but she didn't want them digging around in her arms yet again trying to find a vein that hasn't been used/damaged/still trying to heal from the last attempt. The one in her neck is still healing as well. So the leg it was.
I collected all her belongings from rehab and put them in the car, except for her picture of Lizzie, which is now posted on the bulletin board in her room. I think I've become a familiar face in this side of the hospital. People are recognising me and some know me by name. And I know where things are on 3 different floors. I'm certainly getting my exercise.

So, back in the waiting room.
Did I mention I'm stuck in Pepsi land? Ew.
Donna Kaye
5/9, 10:49am
Donna Kaye
I'm glad she's still advocating for herself. Always a good sign.
There should be Coke machines across the street at the University Center.
Starbucks is on the floor below the campus library as well if you want a monster sized iced tea (unsweetened or not) although most hospitals should have that in the cafeteria.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 10:55am
Deb Matthews
We've had to bring up the Final Directives paperwork (just in case) and she has designated me as the family spokesperson. Which is another reason I am keeping everyone up to date as I get any new information. I had to sign the permission for surgery for the pacemaker because even though she was conscious and communicating well, she was stoned off her gourd.
There is one lone Coke machine downstairs in the cafeteria, but it won't accept cash. I will have to put more money on my card, or break into the machine. I am leery of the iced tea in the cafeteria, as it's probably black tea. But, there is a Starbucks cafe in the main entrance (I found it running around the hospital looking for food), and they will brew me up a fresh cup of green tea.
Mom had a beautiful view of the Union Center in her room up in Rehab.
Donna Kaye
5/9, 10:58am
Donna Kaye
Oh good, I was going to follow-up that the library's Starbucks has really inconvenient hours when most of the students are gone on summer break.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 11:00am
Deb Matthews
I remember the library's Starbuck's. They had an amazing strawberry smoothie. But I don't really want to walk that far. The surgery is supposed to be relatively quick (aside from prep and anesthesia and what-not) and it would be my luck that she would be in, out and regained consciousness while I was gone.
Daniel MacLagan
5/9, 11:10am
Daniel MacLagan
Thanks for the updates Deb
Deb Matthews
5/9, 11:13am
Deb Matthews
No prob. Nothing like an early morning wake-up call to get my butt to the hospital. Poor Lizzie got dumped on the floor as I hit the floor running. I did manage to let her out and feed her before I left. She should be good for a few more hours. I can call one of her neighbors if I need to to let her out again.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 12:35pm
Deb Matthews
She's back out now, conscious, stoned and hyper. She's chatting away like i do and is wondering when they will let her walk around the unit. Her heart is going good and strong and she has excellent blood pressure. Pacemaker is a go!
Daniel MacLagan
5/9, 12:37pm
Daniel MacLagan
That's good. I'm really thankful to know how things are going as I was diagnosed with heart disease and an aortic aneurysm in October 2013.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 12:39pm
Deb Matthews
The heart disease runs in the family. We know this now, your boys should keep that in mind when they are all grown up. I will bring it up when I have my annual when I get back home again.
Daniel MacLagan
5/9, 1:15pm
Daniel MacLagan
I also got hasimoto's disease. A new one to the family. My immune system is killing my thyroid.
Deb Matthews
5/9, 3:38pm
Deb Matthews
OooO! New stuff in the family!
I just got back to the house. Mom *should* be resting now. She had a good meal and they pulled out the pic line they had in her leg. I don't forsee any more late night/early morning phone calls.
May 10
Daniel MacLagan
5/10, 12:10pm
Daniel MacLagan
How's your mom doing today?
Deb Matthews
5/10, 1:54pm
Deb Matthews
Saw mom again last night and by the time I got to the ICU they had moved her to CCU. I got a call bright and early this morning (what is it with these people and early mornings?) that they had moved her back upstairs to the recovery floor. She will be moving back to rehab sometime in the next couple days.
She's up and conscious and feeling very good. No more migraines today (so far). Brought her some more strawberries today. She had a few, I will take them canister back and refill it again for tomorrow.
Her diabetes has been stable since early morning and in the double digits. She hasn't needed any insulin all morning. I figure that getting the heart rhythm stablised will stabilse the pancreas as well and be a big help in keeping her blood sugars stable from here on out.
She is starting to retain water again, but she hasn't been moving around much in the last 24 hours. We figure once she gets back into physical therapy again the swelling will go back down. Overall, however, she has lost a LOT of water weight and her legs and ankles are looking great. The ID bands around her wrist are slipping off.
They have one arm in a sling (mom's idea) to keep her from moving it about. They have some leads on the new pacemaker that can't be disturbed for a bit, so she has to keep her arm stationary. As for both arms, she still can't do much with this for fear of tearing apart the sutures in her chest. So for now she's a T-rex. However, her legs are getting a lot stronger.
Overall, she's doing excellent now and the staff all love her. They think she's an absolute sweetheart and is tough as nails. Apparently, the procedure they did yesterday morning on her leg (they couldn't get an IV in either arm nor her neck, so they ended up putting the needle straight into her shinbone- at her request!) was a very rare procedure and is the talk of the hospital today. Leave it to mom to blaze new trails. It got the job done and everything is fine. Painful as all hell, but she weathered it far better than any of them would have- by their own accounts.
Sun came out for the first time in ages yesterday and it hit 71. Today, more sunshine and 64. Beautiful blue sky out there. Given that it had been raining everyday since mom went in to have the first surgery done, this seems to be a fine sign that all will be well.
So for Mother's Day, mom got a new valve and a new pacemaker. And several more years to her lifetime.
May 11
Daniel MacLagan
5/11, 9:41am
Daniel MacLagan
Happy Mother's Day to each of you Moms
May 16
Deb Matthews
5/16, 11:24am
Deb Matthews
So, mom's doing excellent in rehab and is due to be released on the 20th. She is healing fantastically, but now the fun part is keeping her from overdoing it. She now walks a lot and has a walker to get around. She is still a little unsteady on her feet, which isn't bad, but a fall would be Very Bad, as her sternum has not completely healed. So, I bought her a walker for home, because the hospital won't let her keep the one she's using there.
Also have to call her landlord to install a bathtub bar and I need to put some anti-slip pads on the floor. Shower chair has been acquired.
Mom is now in the "purge" stage of de-stashing her house. If there's anything you want that mom has, anytime after she gets home would be a good time to come visit and help the cause.
Am trying to get her a place at Heritage Manor in Houghton. She will end up in a one-bedroom apartment, so a LOT of stuff has to go. She will be able to keep Lizzie. Her lease is up on 30th of September, so I get to start filling out forms to get her on the waiting list asap. It will be tricky as she isn't a Houghton county resident, but as she will be considered as "needing assistance" living, and needs to be closer to family. And I can be very pushy when needed.
Also need to start taking photos of stuff that mom wants to sell on ebay and etsy. I don't think she's going to be ready for the craft faire circuit this year. She has plenty for her own booth, but I I'm not sure she's ready to pack it all up in my car and do the set up and tear down every weekend. So probably an etsy account for now.
Is anyone doing scrapbooking? Mom has a whole Micheal's worth of scrapbooking materials that she isn't gong to use. And there are collectibles, crafting stuff, and furniture. There is a *lot* of furniture. She wants to keep her quilting and her books. And a minimum of furniture.
So, that is the update. She has to remember to not overdue her getting up and around. She can now dress herself and shower herself, save for washing and drying her back. She has gone 2 1/2 days so far without needing insulin, but just now her blood sugar spiked and had to get a shot. Dietician figures it was probably the orange juice she had at breakfast. So we have added that to the "high sugar" list. Overall, though, they are very happy with her efforts at controlling the diabetes with diet. She also has to lose some weight, so the new dietary plan is working well.
So, that's the plan so far.
Daniel MacLagan
5/16, 11:27am
Daniel MacLagan
Great news. Thanks Deb
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