Two things:

Feb 25, 2011 16:14

1. Do you like Metalocalypse? Do you like paling around? Are you on the DW? Then get your ass to
snakesfromdildos, DW's second (second! The first is an LJ fandom newsletter crosspost and doesn't count) Metalocalypse comm.

2. I have been crafting again!

Once I made tiny Charles, I could not stop there.

First off, he had to have a tiny Pickles to go with him.

A slightly blurry photo to demonstrate Pickles's dreadlocks, which were more of a pain in the ass than they look like.

Obviously I was not done, as
arymabeth also needed a little golfing Pickles.

After that, Toki and Skwisgaar.

Their little faces. They both ended up looking slightly derpy, but at least they can be derpy together.

All my boys. <3

arymabeth and I are, as is our wont, already preparing for Dragon*Con. And lo, we have finished our first costume: Klokateers!

3902, of the Costuming Division.

2093, fallen on hard times.
(I swear the hood isn't actually that crooked. She's got her head cocked at a jaunty angle.)

This entry was automagically crossposted from
comments over there.

crafts, metalocalypse, pimpin_aint_easy

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