SPN Fic Recs: Sam/Dean

May 25, 2008 23:41

Finally have a few minutes to put these out there. In my voracious devouring of Supernatural fic, *especially* that of the Sam/Dean variety, I've come across some real gems, and I couldn't resist passing them along, because darnit, they need the love. Even if you don't read the boys together, I highly recommend these, simply because they're so beautifully written, they're just... undeniable!

Blessed Sabbats Series | by sylvanwitch | NC-17 | A series of Sam/Dean fics featuring the boys in the roles of the God/Goddess during each of the eight Sabbats, or Pagan holy days, when the seasons change. Unbelievably powerful writing, so wonderfully, beautifully descriptive that you'll want to cry. Trust me, I *did*. O_O

(fics not written in this order - this is the order of the Sabbats throughout the year; not necessary to read in the order they were written)

Presentation (Imbolc)
The Greening (Ostara)
Consummation (Beltaine)
Green and Gold (Litha)
All Good Things (Lammas)
Autumnal (Mabon)
Last Harvest (Samhain)
Rebirth (Yule)

JACKHAMMER LOVE | by gwenknight | NC-17 | ~1,500 w | Dean Winchester is a tornado, ripping through Sam's life and leaving him irrevocably changed. Another incredibly powerful piece, that shows a *lot* of love for Dean and for SPN.

Enjoy!! :)

rec/review/squee: fic

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