The Phoenix Has Landed!!!

May 25, 2008 22:10

I know I'm not the only one on my f-list that gets excited about space exploration, judging by the sheer number of sci-fi junkies, so I thought I'd share the news! Hubby and I have been watching the NASA coverage all afternoon/evening, and at 7:38 PM EST, the Phoenix Mars Lander touched down on the surface of Mars, after a *flawless* 9 month flight from Earth and descent through the atmosphere of the Red Planet. ^_^ NASA received telemetry confirmation of the Phoenix touchdown at 7:53 PM EST, after a 15 minute delay, allowing for the signal to traverse the distance from Mars to Earth.

Upon touchdown, the Lander deployed its solar panels, and it has already begun taking pictures and sending them back to Earth!! :D

First, a little background! The Phoenix Lander's mission is to dig through the Martian Arctic soil to try to find evidence of water. Here's an artist rendering of Phoenix.

Unlike the Mars Rovers, Spirit and Opportunity, Phoenix didn't land using balloons. Instead, it separated from the parachute on the way down, and came in on thrusters! Here's the artist rendering of the descent.

Ladies and gentlemen, Phoenix came in so smoothly, that it landed with just a quarter of a degree tilt from being fully level. O_O WOW!!

And now, for the first images from Phoenix!! These are just black and white, but color photos will begin coming in within the next day or so.

The Martian landscape! A nice, flat plain. Not too many large rocks. *Excellent* for Phoenix's mission.

One of the deployed solar panels, and one of the feet of the lander, sitting softly in the Martian soil. ^_^

That's all for now! I'm just so excited, I couldn't wait to post. :D For more news about the Phoenix Lander, check out NASA's Phoenix Mission Page.

*hugs to all* ^_^

rl: science!, rl: yay!

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