Picking Up The Pieces ~3/?~

Oct 28, 2012 20:36

Title:Picking Up The Pieces ~3/?~
Author: saar_fantasy
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, with side pairings of Gwen/Rhys and Tosh/Owen
Rating: R, but it will vary (will change this when necessary)
Warnings: mentions/flashbacks of abuse; physical and emotional, angst
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters used in this fic. The words are mine. Completely fabricated for fun.
Summary: AU.Jack and his friends are in their first year at college when they find a completely beaten up boy in the park. After he was taken to the hospital and became conscious again, the boy refuses to talk to anyone, anyone at all. Jack, who had followed the ambulance, suddenly sees the boy's dad show up, only the parent doesn't act like a normal parent would. After Ianto, Jack got the boy's name from one of the nurses, almost got strangled by his own father, Jack takes matters into his own hands.
A/N: There's a lot of background, and other, information needed with this fic; which you'll get in bits and pieces along the way :) I hope it will all make sense. I'm known in my other fandoms for my twists and turns and crazy story plots, so, I hope you all can live with that :)

Doctor John Hart wasn't known for his kindness. He was known for flirting with his patients, even some family members of them, and flirting with the nurses -female and male- but he was mostly known for being strict and keeping his patients under surveillance.

He had build up his career with hard work and making people trust him. Sometimes he broke their trust, when he didn't see another way out, but those times were very few.

When he saw the fear for his father in the young Ianto Jones' eyes, something struck inside of him and he had to control himself not to punch the man in the face, several times.

He had gone through almost the same thing...His father had been an abusive asshole and he wouldn't even be alive right now if it wasn't for John Smith; or at least that's how the man called himself.

John Smith had found the much younger John Hart when his father had kicked him out of the house, after kicking him a few times of course. John was sure he had a couple of broken ribs, but he didn't care because his father didn't even want to acknowledge him as his son anymore.

The other John had taken him under his wings, after finally convincing the kid that he could trust him. John Smith became the father John Hart never had before. Until he left...Without as much as a goodbye.

Angry as he was, John was also grateful of the other John, because he was the reason why he found meaning in his life again and became an admirable doctor. Sometimes he just wished he could thank him, but how can you thank a person enough for saving your life?

Now back to the current situation with the young Jones. He meant it when he told him he was gonna talk about his father with the staff members of the hospital, even if it would get him fired. It was worth it.

There was another problem, though...Where was the boy going to live? Because there was no way that John was gonna let him go home with that bastard of a father. He couldn't take him into his house himself...well, maybe for a little while, but certainly not permanently.

Well, that Jack guy seemed to like the kid but he was probably barely 18 himself. John didn't know a lot about the kid, but he seemed very protective about Ianto without even knowing him. He wouldn't be surprised if the young man would try and convince his parents to take Ianto in.

Of course Ianto's father would protest, like the asshole that he is, and it would probably come to a trial. Then there was the possibility of a foster home...but John somehow thought Ianto would be happy to live with Jack and his parents.

Oh well, enough time to think about all that legal stuff later. Now he was going upstairs to make an appointment with the hospital's director to talk about Jones senior.

It was time to dig out the dirt. Hoping for support of his colleagues, because only his accusations probably wouldn't do anything.

Let's just hope for the best.


"Martha!" Jack called from the hallway, not even having closed the door yet. "Martha, are you here?"

"I'm right here." Martha answered, peeking her head out from the doorway that led to the kitchen. "Where's the fire? And why are you home so late?"

"Me and the guys found a beat up kid in the park and called an ambulance, then I went to the hospital and Tosh came too. You won't believe what happened, Martha."

"Wow, wow. Slow down!" Martha led an obvious worked up Jack to the living room and forced him to sit down. "Now tell me what happened, nice and slow."

Martha was used to Jack's tantrums and his whole 'I want to make the earth a better place' attitude long enough that the only way to get to understand him at least a little bit was to sit him down, let him take a deep breath and let it all out.

Ever since Jack's dad had died, his younger brother went missing and his mother almost went mad with grief, Martha had taken care of the young boy, who had now turned in a young adult. A very handsome young adult to boot.

Things hadn't always been good between them, especially not at the beginning. but now they treated each other with respect and love.

And then when I ran into his room, I saw his father trying to strangle him!" Jack ended his story, looking intently into Martha's eyes. "We have to do something."
Martha let it all sink in a little before she replied to him. "What did his doctor say?"

"He said he was gonna take this to the staff, because Ianto's father was the boss of the ER. Can you believe that?"

"As much as it sounds like a television soap, sadly there are some people like that in this world, so yes, I believe you."

"As much as I want to, you know me, I can't help him alone."

Martha nodded, "Wat do you want me to do?"

"Well," Jack stalled for a second, "I've been talking with Tosh about this and she agrees with me that it would be a good idea not to let Ianto go home with his father when he gets dismissed from the hospital."

"I agree," Martha replied truthfully. "So, what's the plan?" She had a suspicion already, but she needed to hear it from him.

"I know it's a big question but...we think it might be a good thing if someone would want to take over custody of Ianto Jones."

"That 'someone' being me, you mean." it was more of a statement then a question.

"Yes," Jack quickly rattled on before Martha could answer him. "I don't really know much about parental rights and other official law stuff like that, but, isn't there something we can do? Some papers you'll have to sign so you can take him home for a little while? There must be something we can do."

"Jack," Martha stopped him from rattling any further, "There are papers I can fill in, but his father is gonna object to them. Seeing that he's gonna get at least one complain against him from a fellow doctor, that can help in a way that the director of the hospital can come in and take away Ianto's father, one of his doctor's, rights away and I can take him home. But-" Martha held up her hand before Jack could get too enthusiastic. "If his father reacts really badly, it will probably get into a trial case and we'd have to take this to court. Is this really what you want? More importantly, is this what Ianto wants?"

Jack sighed, he had expected something like that, not to forget that she was right. "I, or we, have to talk it through with him before we do anything of course. I would like you to meet him tomorrow, if you have the time."

"Sure, we'll go tomorrow. You actually made me want to meet the kid." Martha replied, but she wasn't finished yet. "He's probably gone through a hard time already and it's only gonna get even harder. Then there's the part where we don't know anything about his mother. If she's still around, things are probably gonna get even more complicated."

Jack sighed again, but nodded. "Let's just talk to him tomorrow and see what we do then."

Martha smiled, "That's a great idea. I know you really want to save this kid, but..."

"Let's take it one step at a time."

Martha's smile widened, "That's the smartest thing you've ever said." she chuckled when Jack rolled his eyes. "We're gonna do our best, kid."

"That will have to do for now, I guess."

ianto jones, ianto, jack, jack/ianto, picking up the pieces, janto, jack harkness

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