I Will Remember You ~2/?~

Oct 13, 2012 20:30

Title: I Will Remember You ~2/?~
Author: saar_fantasy
Pairing/Characters: Jack/Ianto; the old team with cameos of the Doctor and Martha
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: amnesia, angst
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters used in this fic. The words and plot of the story are mine. Completely fabricated for fun.
Summary: The Doctor brings Jack back to Cardiff after 'the year that never was', only Jack doesn't remember a thing, not even his old team.Will they be able to get the old Jack back? And how will Jack react when his memories start coming back?

When Ianto came down with the lift, he saw the other 3 and Jack already there. Jack was staring around, wide eyed.

"What is this?"

"This is were we work," Gwen answered, "You used to work here too. Your office is right up there."

Jack blinked, "Really?"

"Yeah. You want to go and have a look?"

Jack nodded, then followed Gwen and Tosh up the stairs. Meanwhile, Owen walked up to Ianto to talk.

"We should be mad at him, you know. He just abandoned us."

"After we betrayed him."

"Do you think that's why he left?"

Ianto shrugged, "I don't know, and it doesn't look like Jack will be able to tell us anytime soon.'

Owen sighed, "Yeah, I know."

A loud crash made them both glance quickly at each other, then they ran for the stairs to see what was going on. Once inside Jack's office, they saw Jack huddled in a corner with Gwen trying to calm him down and Toshiko trying to clear up the mess of some fallen artefact that apparently broke very easily.

"What happened here?"

Gwen turned her head so she could look over her shoulder, "I don't know. He was just studying the things in here, when he suddenly stared out of his window into the Hub and froze, dropped the artefact he was looking at and ended up in this corner."

"Maybe he saw something that brought back a memory." Ianto mused.

"Must be a frightening one then," Owen responded, then looked out of the window, "Oh, Bollocks. Ianto, did you feed Myfanwy today?"

Ianto frowned, "I might have forgotten it with all the commotion with the Doctor. Why?"

"Um," Tosh spoke silently, "I think you might want to look outside of the window."

Ianto turned around to peer out of the window, only to have it blocked by a creature on the railing. A creature named Myfanwy.

"Oh, cachi." everybody looked at him surprised, even though only Gwen understood the meaning of the word, it was obvious that Ianto swore and that was very rare. "I'll be right back."

Ianto walked out of the office, up to Myfanwy and petted his beak before walking down the stairs to get the pteranodon's food. Of course the animal followed him.

"He's not..." Jack spoke uncertainly, "He's not going to get eaten, is he?"

"Nah," Owen answered before one of the girls could. "Myfanwy fancies Ianto. She quite fancies you too, actually."

"She does?"

"Yeah, mate. You want to go and have a look at how Ianto feeds her?"

Jack nodded silently, let Gwen help him upand then followed the three others downstairs to where Ianto was preparing Myfanwy's food, the pteranodon herself watching him from a few feet away.

Ianto gave a small smile when he saw Jack coming towards him and he nudged his head towards Myfanwy, indicating Jack to follow him. One feet away from Myfanwy he stopped and picked something out of his pocket, then gave it to Jack.

"Chocolate?" Jack asked confused, "What am I supposed to do with that?"

"Try and feed it to Myfanwy." Ianto saw Jack's eyes widen, "Go on, it's her favorite. She won't hurt you."

Seeing that Jack was still not sure, Ianto broke a piece of chocolate of the tablet and threw it to Myfanwy, who caught it easily.

"See, do it like that."

Jack nodded, broke a piece of chocolate of and threw it to the pterodon, she caught it easily again. Jack made a sport of it to make it less easy for her with the next few pieces and according to the delighted squawk Myfanwy gave, she quite liked a bit of a challenge.

Ianto stood to the side, watching Jack and Myfanwy interact with each other. It was just like at the beginning. Jack always liked to tease Myfanwy, until she bit him quite hard in the arm one day, but now she seemed to have fun again. He went up the ladder to put the bucket with the rest of Myfanwy's food in her nest, knowing that the rest of the team would keep an eye on Jack and Myfanwy in the meanwhile.

While he was climbing back down the ladder, he got an idea. Ok, so they always teased him about spoiling Myfanwy, but this time it was to help Jack. Make him feel more comfortable. Maybe spark up some memory...but that probably would be too soon. He didn't even know how much retcon Jack had in his body, in his blood system.

Bloody Doctor.

He took a new, bigger tablet of chocolate out of his pocket and walked up to Jack, holding it out to him.

"Why don't you try and let her eat out of your hand?"

Jack stared at him, his eyes narrowed a little, seeing the encouraging smile on Ianto's face made him nod. Ianto gave Jack the chocolate, then went to stand behind him, coaxing Myfanwy to come closer.

Jack's hand was shaking a little, but when Myfanwy had taken his first bite out of the chocolate bar, Jack whooped with joy. Ianto, Tosh, Gwen and even Owen all smiled.

This was kind of a different Jack then they were used to, because Jack never showed fear and now his shaking hand was an obvious result of fear, anxiety. The retcon must have messed him up, probably something else too.

Whatever happened with Jack must have been terrible, that's for sure. If they were ever gonna find out what exactly was only the question.

Once the chocolate was gone, Myfanwy gave Jack a playful headbutt, squawked, then flew up to her nest. As soon as she was gone, Jack turned around with a huge grin on his face.

"Did you see that?" Not waiting for an answer, Jack rattled on excitedly. "That was amazing!"

Ianto chuckled, "Yeah, we saw it."

"I can't believe that just happened!"

"I told you," Owen spoke, "She fancies you and Ianto. You are the ones who brought her in, anyway."

Jack's surprised gaze went over to Ianto. "We did?"

"Yep." Ianto answered simply, "Captured her together and you brought her to the hub. The next day was my first day of working here."

Jack blacked out for a minute, fragments of the view inside a warehouse and a pterodactyl -pteranodon, whatever- flying around. Two blurry figures were standing there too, but he couldn't make out the faces.

"Jack?" Gwen's concerned voice pulled Jack back to reality. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Jack answered, his eyes still a little unfocused. Then he sought out Ianto and looked into his eyes. "We were in a warehouse?"

"Yeah. I detected a rift spike there and found Myfanwy had come through. I ran to the road and well, almost bumped into your car." Jack frowned, but Ianto smiled softly at the memory. "I'll tell you the whole story later."

Jack nodded, then looked around a little uncertainly. "So...I worked here?"

"Yes, you were -are, our boss."

"Wow," Jack breathed, "This is a lot to take in."

"I'm sure it is." Ianto shared a brief glance with the others, "Can we ask you some questions, Jack?"

"Of course."

"What is the last thing you remember?"

"Before I woke up with the Doctor and Martha you mean?"


Jack went back into his mind, trying to remember.

"I don't really know...I... I was a Time Agent and my partner, John Hart, and I were on a mission. I can't remember much more."

"Time Agent?" Gwen asked, "What's that?"

"I can't tell you the details, but, this wrist strap is part of it." he pushed a few buttons on his strap, then frowned. "I think it's broken."

Ianto, Tosh, Gwen and Owen all looked at each other. They had no idea what Jack was talking about, but at least now they knew what the wrist strap was used to be for. Or at least partly.

"So," Jack interrupted the silence, "What do you guys do? I'd like to know what kind of work I did here. I saw my office, but I'm not exactly the guy to sit on my ass the whole day, so, I'm expecting that's not what I did here all day."

Ianto couldn't help the eye-roll, Owen snickered and Gwen and Tosh giggled.

"We chase aliens." Ianto answered, smiling when Jack's wide-eyed stare changed into a smirk. "I thought you might like that."

"Came across some aliens as a Time Agent too. So, it's not that different as my former job, the one that I remember, then."

"Well, we wouldn't know." Owen answered, "Since you can't tell us much about the whole Time Agent thing, but, I guess it is, yes."

Jack rolled back and forth on the back of his heels, looking like an eager puppy. Well, he had the puppy-eyes down to a T, only the ears and the tail were missing, anyway.

"Tell me everything."

The four others looked at each other, then nodded, knowing that this was gonna be a long day, but they owed it to Jack.

"We'll start with the technical stuff." Tosh took the lead, happy to finally talk about the stuff she knew so well. Jack followed her to her computer and took a chair to sit beside her so he could follow everything.

"Well, this is gonna take a while." Owen sighed, then went to join the other two. Gwen followed too, looking over her shoulder when Ianto moved in another direction.

"Aen't you coming Ianto?"

"I'm just gonna make us some coffee." he smiled at her. "I feel like we're gonna need it."

And right about that he was...Because when Jack says he wants to know everything, he really means EVERYTHING.

But they just had to go through it all, with a bit of fun hopefully, for Jack. If they wanted to get him to get his memories back, they just had to suck it up and roll with the punches.

So that was exactly what they were gonna do. Supported by Ianto's delicious coffee of course.

ianto jones, ianto, jack, i will remember you, jack/ianto, janto, jack harkness

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