Too bad it was the same damn thing!

Apr 22, 2005 22:12

I'm at an utter loss for words on this one. Fuckin check engine light is back on. *There's a shock!* leave it to an illegal immigrant to fuck things up for you, never mind the same thing, OVER AND OVER again. I swear, why the hell do I even bother? It's like, are these guys LICENSED? My dad needs to pull his head out of his rear end AND REALIZE THAT THE ONLY WAY THAT CAR WILL BE REPAIRED IS TO TAKE IT TO A DEALER. Fuck Calabasas up the ass, they blew their chance. I'm trying Galpin. I can't stand this bullshit. Are these guys even qualified? What EXACTLY did he do? Anything at all? 1000 dollars later, the same shit is happening again, and I'm just biding my time until the transmission light comes on again. I hate previous drivers. they fuck everything up, then sell some immigrant the car. Then you go and buy it, love it for months, then something gets fucked up, u try and take it back for them to fix it, but they give you some cock and bull story about you not being intelligent enough to screw on a gas cap correctly, or else putting in the wrong gasoline. HEL-FUCKIN-LO, I'VE LOVED CARS SINCE I FIRST REMEMBER RIDING IN ONE! WHY THE HELL WOULD I NOT KNOW HOW TO PUT IN GAS? I'm no simpleton, but you sure as hell are, you english deficient moron! If I'm told, in any accent whatsoever, that it's my fault something went wrong on my car by another "mechanic", I'll shred the person's face with my fingernails and put the remnants against my exhaust. Then we'll see who doesn't know what's up with cars. I mean honestly, for those of you who don't understand why I'm so pissed off, consider the past few happenings. I can understand the first time, after the idiot told me it was my fault and reset the light, that it came back on. But now? The guy "fixed" what was needed in order to let my car's diagnostic computer know that there was no longer a problem with the emission system. Which means that either he didn't do it right, or screwed something else up. Never mind the fact that my transmission now makes random noises it didn't make BEFORE I took the car to the guy. I'm totally fed up. Lost for words.. completely and utterly shocked stupid, that this would happen AGAIN. you would think a "qualified" mechanic would recognize problems when he was informed of them.. but no. idiot. I'm done.. just totally exasperatedly DONE.
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