The new layout I'm using goes funky on the rightside when I add the lj nav option. It is annoying without being able to use it, so it'd be great if someone could help me figure out how to fix this.
I Lost My Heart To A Starship Captain
B A S I C E L E M E N T S -----------------------------
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XTRA ------------------------------------
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C O N T A I N E R S ------------------------------------
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H E A D E R --------------------------------------------
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F O O T E R --------------------------------------------
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E N T R I E S Layout ----------------------------------
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E N T R I E S Userpics --------------------------------
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E N T R I E S Date Subject ----------------------------
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E N T R I E S Current Mood, Music and Location --------
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E N T R I E S Comments ----------------------------------
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E N T R I E S Separator -------------------------------
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S I D E B A R ------------------------------------------
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S I D E B A R Calendar --------------------------------
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S I D E B A R Links List and Section Headers ----------
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C O M M E N T S P A G E S -----------------------------
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A R C H I V E ------------------------------------------
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M I S C E L L A N E O U S ------------------------------
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TAGS PAGE ------------------------------
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