So I'm almost sure that what I won't can't be done, but it's best to know for sure, right?
Okay I have 4 images I want to use as a header. A rotating header, you know? And well, the part where the images rotate I already have. The problem? They are all the same width but they have different heights.
I didn't realized that the layout actually asked you to put in the height of your header and them being all different betweem themself, the entries look weird.
When I put in the height of the biggest one, there's a black gap between the bootom of the rest of them and the layout itself. But if I set it with the height of the smallest one, when the other appeares they have their bottom cutted.
Is there anyway for the layout to adapt to the change of height?
/*-- layout: made by kasiopeia
no stealing. no reposting code as yours.
don't remove this section & please credit. --*/
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/*-- additional codes, paste below here --*/