header:nav links:font, comments, sidebar:borders, $acct level:paid or perm

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  • 7 questions

    kit_e wrote in s2expressive Aug 25, 2008 21:31

    I just started to work with Expressive and there are some things left I canˇt find out.

    1. How do I change color of "Recent Entries" for same as "Archive" and so on? And separators color between?
    2. How to make this line vanish? (My base is California Poppy, Expressive by CaliforniaWomen.org )
    3. How to change color of  "Profile" link if other headers ( Read more... )

    sidebar:headers, entries:header:colors, header:nav links:colors, entries:metadata, sidebar:borders

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  • line through my sidebar

    illuminant_shhh wrote in s2expressive Jul 03, 2008 08:18

    so, i have a vertical line through my sidebar.
    i went to this entry to solve the problem, but putting that in my stylesheet didn't seem to help.
    also, i notice the use of # instead of . with some of the css stuff (it seems to have replaced itself in part of my stylesheet).  i assume they are interchangeable.....?
    i use a basic account.

    .layout-wt # ( Read more... )

    $acct level:basic or plus, sidebar:borders

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  • Lining everything up at the top plus lightbox - all solved!

    peacockdress wrote in s2expressive Jun 25, 2008 21:30

    Hi, I'm a paid user, using Firefox 2.0 and Expressive. Like everyone else, I'm impressed by how huge a help this community is, and like everyone else, I've been able to do 90% of what I wanted through looking at the tags alone. Thank you!

    My outstanding issues: I'm making my journal simulate a website. (The layout of this website, which is also a ( Read more... )

    sidebar:headers, entries:sticky post, entries:header, sidebar:borders, misc:extra content, page:skiplinks

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  • I Need Help Getting Rid of a Border--SOLVED

    urtead wrote in s2expressive May 14, 2008 09:11

    My account type is paid; my browser is Firefox 2.0; the theme I am attempting to customize is expressive and is called "River at Night"; and my journal can be found at urtead.livejournal.com. My problem is that I cannot seem to get rid of the border that separates the alpha and beta columns. Any help would be appreciated. Here is the css for the ( Read more... )


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  • Various color and text changes

    bay_bus_rider wrote in s2expressive Apr 23, 2008 01:48

    Hello—I'm very, very new to CSS, but I've started to modify my Expressive layout (based on Chopsticks). I have a permanent account and use Firefox 2.0. I have looked through the tags already, but many of the answers given there don't render. Here are the problems I'm still having:

    Read more... )

    sidebar:headers, entries:timestamp, header:nav links:colors, s2:theme layer, sidebar:borders, page:skiplinks, $acct level:paid or perm

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  • entry padding, sidebar color, and link color problems. - solved!

    _loveclaire wrote in s2expressive Mar 23, 2008 14:30

    okay, i once again have to apologize if the solutions to these issues are in previous entries. i've spent about an hour trying various codes and i just can't seem to solve my problems, which are ( Read more... )

    page:alignment, entries:links:colors, sidebar:borders

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