To Lisa because it won't let me reply to her.

Nov 05, 2008 18:18

Okay first off, being PC is to CALL the person out by their identifier. It's PC to say "African-American" what's NOT PC is saying "Black" or a term that's considered "wrong". Black is considered "wrong" because that identifies the color of their skin, not where their ancestors came from. And in all probability the MAJORITY of Blacks are simply American. Their families have been here longer than most Whites.

Secondly, I know how politics works, thanks. That's why I didn't vote for Obama because he hasn't been in Washington long enough to know how to do things the right way. No shit on the Golconda or Utopia part. And just because I think that we shouldn't concentrate on skin color or gender doesn't mean I'm adverse to diversity (so a big fuck you too). Yes, women getting the right to vote was huge, but blacks got the right to vote before women. The importance of Suffrage was NOT because we're women it's because the nation finally defined what "all men created equal" meant. But once that was defined it was our job as American's to not let us affect our government again. But humans don't have an on/off switch like that.

Last note, you run in a very liberal circle of people so no fucking shit you don't know anyone who thinks the past 8 years was good. But guess what! There are a LOT of people that think these were good years. And as I said, I can't relate to one thing that Obama said about America. I can relate to John McCain. I don't relate to Obama because I didn't grow up in poverty I've never had anyone be prejudiced towards me, and you know what? With the credit crisis I'm still able to hold a job and pay my rent and bills on time. So tell me, what the hell is Obama going to make better for me? Nothing! I have everything I need. Just because you let people be prejudiced against you doesn't mean that I have the same problems. You need to stop taking what people have against you and putting it on others.
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