So last night, I drank quite a bit of vodka...I'm surprised there is any left. Alex told me to not take this personally, but this is the first election that I have voted in where my candidate did not win. It's a very odd feeling because it does feel like I failed. To me it was the Florida BCS Bowl again where McCain was in the lead at the beginning and then someone broke his ankle allowing Obama to just breeze by. I don't know if I can look at what the final electoral college results are because McCain gave his concession speech.
There are so many "Yay Obama" posts in my friends list so I'm going to fuck those up with a "Boo Obama". Well, not necessarily Boo Obama. But for instance, some exit polls were saying that McCain's age was more of a factor than Obama's race. That's the DUMBEST thing I've ever heard. And what REALLY got me the most (and I made a comment like this in one of Lisa's posts) was that everyone is saying this is a "Historic" election because he's black. Well FUCK THAT! I'm sorry, but the thing that gets me about the whole race issue is that people of a different race just want to be seen as an equal. So you know what? DON'T FUCKING SEGREGATE YOURSELVES! I mean in just this election there was the "black vote" and the "Female vote" and so forth and I'm just sitting here saying "Why don't we just say 'the vote in this area is...'? because that's what it is!" And yes there were some places/people that voted for Obama because of his race and there were states that pretty much voted against him for his race. I'm not saying that racism does not exist what I'm saying is that the end of racism needs to start in the minds and actions of those who think they are victims. My grandparents are straight off the boat from Italy and they did EVERYTHING, besides change their name, to get rid of their Italian identifiers. What happened to that mentality? What happened to people just wanting to be "American" not "Quantifier-American"?
This should be a Historic Election because of WHO Obama is, not WHAT Obama is. What I DO respect Obama for is that he literally came from nothing and now holds the highest position of this land. Right now, he is the American Dream. Many Democrats can say "Oh my father was this", or "my family came from here" but the candidate himself? No, he lived in a lap of luxury so he doesn't know shit about what he thinks he's saying. I have never disliked Obama as a person. I did find him very charismatic and overall a nice person. I never said one bad thing about him as a person. Now his issues? yes. But that's as it should be.
I watched Obama's acceptance speech all I could think was "I don't identify with one thing this man is saying". He mentioned two wars and the civil rights movements and to me, all it sounded like was flowery words to build false hope to keep the high going. I mean, I saw Oprah in the crowd crying for god sakes. Obama is not a prophet people, just letting you know. But what I WOULD like to know is for the people who voted for him to tell me why he's "so amazing" and why you relate to him without mentioning a qualifier.
So for all my McCain voters, I leave you with what I thought was excellent thoughts of wisdom.