Nov 21, 2010 05:07
well apparently several major highways have become parking lots including the bridge and road i normally take home. lol. i love nature. talk about putting on the brakes! so I am busy contemplating my choices: stay at work and crash on a couch (we have backup generators here so no need to worry about loss of power or anything. lol), try to go home (people say times normal travel x5) or drive a short distance to a friends bed. no friend in the bed, but it would be a warm bed with food in a house. i am pleased that i have options. i still have 3 hours of work left and no need to worry despite the horrific weather conditions. to think i was going to get rid of the pigeons on my roof today. i suppose i am not interested in falling off my roof from the sheets of ice so will all those rats with wings to have shelter one more day. though it urks me. a lot. lol. my daughter is with friends at a sleepover for her bday weekend so i feel comfortable choosing what's best. dunno what that will be but i am grateful i dont have to be out driving right now. i will try and post pics later. lol.
hiding from the sun