P to the Post

Dec 03, 2010 01:15

So despite the absolute insanity that is my life, that I refer to as fun, I have been of course consuming books of late. My online reading has ebbbed a bit to just keeping up with a couple of stories here and there, but I haven't felt like taking on anything major of late.

Besides its always good to switch things up on a regular basis to keep everything fresh. Normally I find a lot of the published works to be too formulaic and predictable to really be worth the time it takes to drudge my way through. But I found a few totally worth it despite my initial reservations.

Catherine Friend: A Minnesota author I can not recommend enough. I sleep deprived myself a bit whipping through her three books with avid fascination. The best part was that the library had them all! Yay for me. The Spanish Pearl, The Crown of Valencia (a sequel for the Spanish Pearl), and A Pirate's Heart are the three books I read. The author does have some others but I am only consuming fiction at the moment unless directly work related. Despite the first person view point writing and the back in the past shticks, the three are fun to read and have a few surprises.

Ouida Crozier: Another Minnesota writer put together Shadows After Dark. A vampire book of sorts that is rather gritty. I have read this book twice now. A rarity for me, but liked it both times. It is a political read, dealing with conveying the concerns of AIDS through a 'what would happen to vampires?' carrier. I kind of wish some of the cultural context had been expanded a bit more. That would have made the story less political though I suppose.

Pam Keesey put together a collection of shorts in Women who Run with Werewolves. These are always an interesting challenge to read. They go out of their way to knock down your box and comfort zones. Thankfully keeping the disturbance short. Excellent reset stories, I just wish they were a little more mixed. But then they wouldn't be as challenging. I am hoping to track down some more of her collections. There are a few on vampires.

Victoria A Brownworth had a collection called Night Bites in the local library. Again another mixed bag of stories, but all of them very unique. Another challenge I feel. But I used these at the same time as the other collection to break everything up. Good conception shaker collection.

That's all I have for the moment. Hoping to do another P-Post within a couple of days for a couple of other pieces I am almost finished with.


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