This is what we were working for!

Feb 17, 2009 13:04

Mille Lacs Kathio State Park
Originally uploaded by Ryner12I'm a little behind in getting photos uploaded, still finishing up 2008.

But this is it! The commemorative medallion earned through all of our zigzagging across the great state of Minnesota last summer, fall and winter.

We found geocaches in all 72 Minnesota state parks. The state was divided into 4 regions (northwest, northeast, south and central). Once you found all of the caches in a region, you were eligible to find the bonus cache for that region and earn a regional medallion. Once you found all of the caches and the four regional caches, you could finally find the final, thereby earning the medallion you see here.

We were finders #88 and #89, and we were the last to finish by the deadline of December 31. We kind of slacked off in November and early December and had to really scramble at the end to make it by the end of the year!

I should take a photo of all the medallions together, too.


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