Snowflake Challenge - Day 13

Jan 13, 2015 14:42

In your own space, talk about a creator. Show us why you think they are amazing.

Gosh, this is a hard one. How can I single out just one person? Hmm. Okay, I'm going to cheat a little and pick one from each of my fandoms.

WLIIA: There's one person, more than any other I think, who has kept the Whose Line fandom going for years. clayangel runs the wl_fanfiction and whoselineslash comms, has run countless fests, challenges and awards, she has created archives on other sites to preserve WL fanworks, and she's an awesome writer and artist to boot! She's written a wide range of WL stories, with all sorts of pairings, but my favourites are obviously Ryan/Colin related. ;) All in all, Clay's done a huge amount for fandom and I, for one, am very grateful. ♥

Recs: Rose Colored Glasses and Second Time Around are just two of my faves. Both are Ryan/Colin, but are very different otherwise and really great reads. :)


HP: Okay, I'm going to go with alisanne. I'm amazed by her constant creative output (which keeps my Snarry appetite nicely fed *g*, although she writes many other pairings as well), her unswerving support and encouragement of other fandom folk, as well as her hard work running various communities such as snarry100. Plus, she's just the loveliest person. ♥

Recs: I honestly love all of her Snarry stories, but I have to point out her In Vino Veritas series. I adore it! :)


PINTO: I don't know that many people in this fandom yet, so I'm going with the first person I really got to know. My lovely friend, juno_magic, who does a huge amount for fandom. As well as being a wonderful and talented writer, she runs the Pinto Bar chatroom on Chatzy, as well as a connected blog on Tumblr (where she posts all kinds of fandom things), she organized last year's Pinto Secret Santa, and always welcomes new people into fandom with open arms. I'm so glad to have met her. ♥

Recs: I could rec everything she's written with Chris/Zach, but I'm going with her Sex Must Be Mixed series. It's beautifully written and exactly how I imagine this pairing to be. :)

Finally, I would just like to say that it was incredibly hard to pick just one person from each fandom, when everyone is so amazing. Please know that I love and admire you all. Fandom is full of so much talent, and I'm so happy to be here. ♥

recs, snowflake challenge, fandom

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