Snowflake Challenge - Day 12

Jan 12, 2015 18:49

In your own space, talk about what you bring to fandom. It can be something tangible, or not.

Hmm, what do I bring to fandom? Does enthusiasm count? Lol.

Well, there's writing. Lots of writing. I don't have any artistic talent, sadly, but I do love to write, and I can't help but indulge the story ideas that pop into my head. I try to join as many fests as I'm able to (and I have time for) and I try to support the smaller communities as much as possible, such as the drabble communities.

I also co-mod a couple of WLIIA comms - wl_fanfiction and whoselineslash - and I've run a few fests on the former, including the Whose-A-Thon and Advent Drabbles. Unfortunately they're not as active as they used to be, but I continue to hope that things will pick up (I don't think I'll ever be able to let my first LJ fandom go). I also run a wl_fanfiction blog on Tumblr, to keep people over there updated on news, fests, fics etc on LJ and to try to generate interest/new members.

And, yes, enthusiasm! Once I'm drawn into a fandom, I love it with a passion, and I try to participate in every possible way, from fics, to pic spams, to gif sets, to discussions and general squeeing. I love chatting to other fans, and I love seeing what creations they come up with. And of course I try to offer encouragement as much as possible by reading, commenting, reccing, betaing, and doing whatever else I can. My Tumblr ask box/LJ message box is always open. :)

snowflake challenge, fandom

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