Cat Genie - Rambly Cat Post

Nov 12, 2008 11:09

We've been slowly transitioning the cats to the cat genie litterbox.

thefanciest talked about it, and after looking at it I thought it would be a good solution for our two cats, one of whom gets particular about the cleanliness of her litterbox.

It hasn't been the smoothest transition, but I feel like the end is in sight, I hope.

Both cats really aren't too sure about it, maybe the plastic pellets feel weird and wrong. Willow seems to be getting the hang of it better, though she's had some 'misses' where she perched in the box with her butt hanging over the side... you get the idea.

Myrrh seems to be wanting anywhere else to go but there. which has been leading me on a daily quest of 'where did she go this time' to clean up whatever mess I find. Myrrh has usually been good in her litter box use, in the past only misbehaving when she felt that the box was too flithy to tolerate. I'm hoping she figures it out soon... I have faith in her, and I feel like maybe she's starting to get the idea.

Hopefully they both start confidently using that litterbox, it is so much easier to keep clean, and it smells a lot nicer
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