Как американские институты
устанавливали взаимовыгодные контакты
с «лидерами российской оппозиции»
(Часть IV)
Еженедельный отчет «NDI Россия» в Вашингтон 9-15 февраля
Fr: NDI Russia
Re: Weekly Report Feb 9 - Feb 15
Items of Note
Budgeting, Yearly Workplan and Program Tracking
Awaiting response on budget documents and planning document sent.
Michael Brussels Travel
Michael will meet with the European Socialists to discuss the tri-lateral dialogue event on Friday the 26"'. Updates from congressional outreach would be appreciated prior to that meeting, as would tentative dates if possible.
Request for Information of Politico Contacts
See last week request from Anna Bogdanova, the chief editor of “Echo Moskva Yaroslavl.
Security Issues
No new reports.
Visa/Work Permit and Other Issues
Thank you for sending the scan copy of the “labor letter" to Michael. I he documents will be submitted on Monday and we should know by mid week whether they ччill be accepted and or w hether an apostiled version will still be needed. If all goes well Michael will have a new one year work visa by the time he leaves for Brussels.
International Visits
The “Lobbying as a Means of Advocacy" program will require the visit of an foreign expert in May. Michael has emailed Dilek and will see about Kristina's availability. If they arc not available he will look into his own pool of experts.
Upcoming Programming Travel
Marko will be in Rosotv on Don from the 23-5 of February on a Golos trip. Marko will then return to Serbia to renew his visa from the 26 to March 7.
Peggy, Timur and MichacI will be in Brussels from ihe 20" (o the 26,h (Michael will sta\ longer and return on March I).
Recent Programming Travel
Marko returned from his Golos assessment trip to Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk with no issues and Timur returned from his V. Novgorod debate club outreach trip with no problems Program Updates to be sent next week.
Internal Planning
NDI Russia began executing their internal planning plan. During the week Sofya, Andrey and Michael held a practical workshop on the use of MSWord. Continued trainings will be held after the Brussels trip.
External Events - All GRANTS
Forum of Socialist and Social-Democratic parties of CIS countries on the topic 'Our common goal is justice and solidarity’
On February 8th, Inna Frenkel attended a Forum of Socialist and Social-Democratic parties of CIS countries on the topic ‘Our common goal is justice and solidarity' organized by ‘.lust Russia' part) and held al the ‘President Hotel' in Moscow. Chairman of the Federation Council. Chairman of ’Just Russia' part) Serge> Mironov, State Duma deputies, representatives of the Socialist International, socialist and social-democratic parties of the CIS countries from Azerbaijan, Armenia. Byelorussia. Kazakhstan. Kyrgyzstan. Moldova. Ukraine, as well as experts, academics and representatives of civic organizations.
Sergey Mironov opened the forum with words about the beginning of bi-lateral cooperation between ‘Just Russia' party and other parties and the development of relationships between regional party organizations. According to him. socialist parties have come to understanding the necessity to consolidate efforts in defending interests of citizens and contribute to integration processes on the post-soviet area, as well as establishment of structures and social networks that would foster political and cultural dialog between nations. Representatives of socialist parties of the CIS countries, who were presenting at the event, also expressed confidence in that the forum was an impulse to efficient cooperation of socialist and social-democratic forces.
Upon the results of lorum. participants signed a declaration, which staled that socialist and social-democratic parties in the CIS countries would carry out a constructive inter-part) dialog; share experience and information on u wide range of issues; and organize common inter-part) seminars, conference and round tables.
New NGO contacts
On February 9. Sofya attended a public event organized b> the Higher School of Economics and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, featuring Dr. I'om G. Palmer. VP of Atlas Global Initiative in Washington, DC. Sofya met with Sascha Tam in. head ot Moscow officc. I Naumann Foundation; Igor Razumov. executive director. The Liberal Mission Foundation. Denis Volkov. PR director at Levada Center. It may be beneficial for NDI to partner with these organizations to amplify the effect of our programs and reach new audiences. Follow up meetings are currently being scheduled. Full report is attached.
Tom Palmer Event Memo Attached
Meetings and Other Reports - All Grants
Meeting with MSPS (Elena Nemirovskaya)
On the 10 of February. Michael and Timur met with Elena Nemirovskaya. Executive Director Moscow School of Political Studies (MSPS). to discuss cooperation. This meeting was a follow up to earlier meetings on cooperation held in 2009. During the meeting we discussed three issues.
1) MSPS assistance in advertising and identifying participants for NDI events
2) NDI support for MSPS events in Moscow (AID Public Forums)
3) NDI assistance regarding MSPS new grant proposal and project
Please see attached memo further outlining this meeting and follow up action items.
Meeting with NGO School
On February 5. Mike and Sofya met with the director and the development manager of the NGO School Foundation to discussion plans for the year. Despite the limited resources of both organizations, we identified several ways we could co-operate:
1. NGO School invited NDI staff to be a part of the selection committee of their Third Sector without Borders exchange project. The selection committee members will choose finalists of the web-based game who will then participate in the Russian-Polish NGO internships.
2. NGO School offered NDI to consider using their web-based game tool (
http://ngogame.ru) for our future youth projects.
3. NGO School is developing capacity to hold web-conferences with regional members of their NGO Lawyers Club and are ready to expand the use of the facility, which provides NDI with an opportunity to reach new audiences in new regions via low-cost web-based events.
4. NGO School expressed interest in assisting Golos and NDI during March elections by recruiting volunteers for the E-day activities.
Full report is attached.
Meeting with Yaroslavl Center for Social Partnership and School for Housing Enlightenment (Meetingall grams, follow up activities AID)
On February 10 Michael and Timur met with Elena Isaeva. Aleksandr Sokolov and Iatiana Borodina representing the Center for Social Partnership of Yaroslavl and the School for Housing Enlightenment (a national network of housing groups). Tatiana Borodina represents both groups The purpose of the meeting was to follow up on programming ideas related to both organizations. In previous meetings NDI had discussions with the Center for Social Partnership on how the Institute could further support their local programs in Yaroslavl, and with the School for Housing Enlightenment on how NDI might be able to support and strengthen their network Concrete action items attached report.
Meeting with MSPS (follow up activities AID)
NED Programs
Young Russian Leaders 2 Brussels - NED
Please see attached draft program agenda for the YRI.2B program. Holes have been primarily filled and NDI Russia is in final preparations for departure. Further information will be sent prior to the trip.
Debate Clubs - NED
1. 8-month extension for Debate Club Program: Timur finalized further work with Polit- Gramota on strengthening network of youth debate clubs in Pskov. Karelia and the new region of Veliki Novgorod. Detailed work plan and calendar of events i ill September 2010 are attached
NDI will continue closely cooperating with Polit-Gramota to strengthen existing two clubs and establish new one. One of the key goals is to dramatically increase level of communication among clubs using web-based tools and create a clubs' network.
2. Outreach trip to Veliki Novgorod: l imur, in accordance with workplan for Debate Club programs, is visiting Veliki Novgorod (VN) jointly with Polit-Gramota from St. Pete (PG) to hold the tirst seminar on concept of debate club in St. Pete and tw o new ones in Pskov and Karelia and identify youth, interested in establishing one in VN.
During the outreach trip Timur. Egor and Leonid from PG will also meet lleadsofciiv and region Offices that deal with Youth Affairs, political parties young leaders and general youth who interested in public debates.
VN is to become a third city, where youth debate club will be established and tied into Polit- Gramota inter-regional network. Trip agenda. RSVP list and talking points for meetings and presentation are attached.
NW Youth Programs - NED
A work plan for the youth leadership programs in the NW is attached.
DRL Programs
Lobbying as a Means of Adocacv Program - DRL
We have received a response from Galina Knyazeva, Chair of the Public Chamber of the Republic of Komi and member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation. She assured us that the Administration of the republic and the Public Chamber are open and very interested in having the lobbying workshop series in Syktyvkar (capital of Komi). She has guaranteed full support in reaching out and inviting prominent civic leaders, regional/local public officials, and small/medium business executives. On February 12. Mike and Sofya will meet with Alexey Navalny. advisor to the Governor of Kirov Oblast, after which the final decision will be made between Kirov and Syktyvkar for the next series of workshops.
Sofya emailed all ihe participants of the first 6 workshops announcing the continuation of the program with follow-up workshops and requesting feedback on accomplishments of the participants upon the first two workshops. Wc have received four success stories and numerous encouragements to continue programming in Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, and St Petersburg.
AID Programming - NON-GOLOS
Follow Up on Media Exchange - Meeting Dmitry Agafonov. Head of Media Soyuz
On February 10th. Michael Murphy and Inna Frenkel met with the Head of Media Soyuz. Dmitry