May 04, 2009 09:46
I discovered at our Friday lab/proteomics core meeting that I *may* have a potential project. Of course, I was unaware of this going into the meeting. I'm supposed to work with this guy John sometime and he is going to teach me how to use some sort of digital imaging software... and then I *think* I'm supposed to analyze some data? No idea, really. I also found out the the HPLC repairman is not coming in until Thursday. That will be the 3-week mark right there, wow. Talk about a slow response time! I left that afternoon to go visit Robert, and it was smooth sailing until I got on 30W and it started pouring so hard I couldn't see anything. And then throw in some hydroplaning. It was not fun. I got to try some video games this weekend, Left for Dead (zombies!) and Audiosurf. It was a good time, I haven't played video games in awhile, especially the shoot-em-up kind (the last one I played was Doom... like 10 years ago). I played one online game and somehow pissed off some stupid gamers and they kicked me out of the game, haha. They must have known I was a girl. We also attempted to play disc golf, but we were playing so badly for some reason that we stopped keeping track of our scores about halfway through. Alas, I was not able to throw my floater into the pond for Robert to retrieve, talk about bad aim! Maybe next time... I am incredibly sore from it though from my back and abs to my right arm. Owie. All that zombie killing made me want to watch a zombie movie so we rented 28 weeks later. I thought it was pretty good, although predictable in spots. Like you didn't know the kids were going to break the rules and end up bring back the infection as a result. Dumb kids. We also got some pizza at the new Italian place down the street, two thumbs up for them.
Sunday, Robert and I ran the 'Run for the Roses' 5k in Ada which started at 3:30pm (weirdest time ever for a race). We both ended up winning our genders, and I actually came in second overall! Haha, obviously Robert didn't have competition if I was the next runner back. I had a wrestler in front of me that I chased for awhile until it came down to a sprint when I'm pretty sure he gave up (I doubt I could have truly outsprinted him). I ran a 19:13... which further affirms my theory that I just suck at all track races now, because both of my last 2 road races have been decent. Too bad they didn't actually record times though (not enough workers or something), but at least I know what I ran. Robert tried to make me stay by latching onto my leg, and while I'd love to give in it's probably a good idea for me to go back to lab. Even if I'm just sitting here. Writing an LJ entry. Lame.
One more class-free week.
run for the roses,