Candy Corn #6, Fresh Pineapples - All Fantasies Die

Sep 06, 2012 16:41

Author: Hali
Title: All Fantasies Die
Flavors: Candy Corn #6 (graveyard)
Extras: Fresh Pineapple (Storytime by Nightwish)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 666
Story: Change of Heart (Arc One)
Summary: Victor is at the park with Neil. For a moment, time stops.
Note: This story is written in Victor's POV.

Dazed and starry-eyed, the world slowed to gaze off in awe. Laughter played like gentle bells in the breeze. The swing sets swayed and guided children who eagerly kicked their feet to ascend higher into the clouds. Parties of children danced about in merry game as their legs carried them across the green meadow of the park. Delight glowed upon their rounded cheeks as they covered the entirety of the playground. I was the only one stricken by the devil of reality grinning at me through the cracks of this sudden illusion. Slowly, Neil faded into view and drew in my attention like a moth to fire.

The toothy smile on his face matched the others, but no laughter came from him. There was a dangerous twinkle in his eyes that shadowed the rest of the world. Those cotton candy pink irises gleamed poisonously sweet and allured my eyes to stare. The icy breath of fear on the back of my neck held me in place. A low beat drummed over the enchanting bells and gradually grew louder until it was all I could hear. The only indications that the world around still existed were the images reflected in Neil’s eyes. My sight chipped away that angelic smile until fangs showed. I am no fool. Only a devil can out charm an angel. A paradise not pleasant but desirable is hell in disguise.

However, I am only human and flawed at best. Crystal balls are made to ensnare, and trap me they so did. A picture of a couple reflected in Neil’s eyes. A man grinned as a young girl ran towards him and was soon scooped up into his arms. The drums quieted, and laughter was ringing in my ears again. Entranced by the scene, my eyes watched as the father twirled his daughter while the mother rested her hand upon her chest and smiled. My mind took a step back from the terrors on the horizon and from the illusions. I drank in the sight as it was: Neil beaming up at me. Despite the underlying meanings, I saw Neil for the innocent he was.

I am the voice of Never Never Land.
The innocence, the dreams of every man.

Evil prowled so closely behind Neil’s heels, nipping at his ankles. How long could he run before corruption caught him? That one moment of hope crumbled when the picture in Neil’s eyes changed. I frowned. Once the image of the family reached his pupils, the sight was gobbled away by those endless black holes. All life was destined to the graveyard. Every fantasy must die. That was the trickery of paradise. When my mind took a step back this time, I was still troubled by Neil’s smile.

I am the empty crib of Peter Pan.
A silent kite against the blue, blue sky.
Every chimney, every moonlit sight.
I am the story that will read you real.
Every memory that you hold dear.

Memories... If I fell prey to the dreams, could you promise me I’d live long enough to cherish it? The smile didn’t return to my face. The world turned back to normal. The noisy guffaws of children were making me cringe. The air was too humid, and I longed for a cigarette as I stuffed my hands into my jeans pockets. The grin fell off Neil’s face too as he hesitated in front of me. No, you couldn’t promise me that. If I could live long enough to cherish it, I would live long enough to mourn it. I might even live to regret it.

Neil gestured to something behind him, but I wasn’t paying enough attention to know what he was pointing to. “Are you coming?”

Those eyes were still staring at me intently. Maybe I should have read more into the answer I gave next, but I didn’t. I never again thought back to what had happened. I shrugged out one of my hands and answered, “Lead the way.”

[author] hali, [challenge] candy corn, [extra] fresh fruit : pineapple

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