cheesecake please

Sep 28, 2010 21:49

Title: And Another One
Author: angst_flangst
Story: The Gorgon
Flavors: Cheesecake #23: A lady wouldn't make little snake eyes at me.
Word Count:  182
Summary: She strikes again.
Notes: I scared myself with this one...but maybe that was because it was nighttime when I originally thought of it, and I scare too easily. -shrugs- Enjoy anyway!

Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.

Creeeeaaaaaak. Creeeeaaaaak.

Your heart skips a beat. What was that? Nothing, it was nothing. Just...someone on their way to the outhouse, right? Right, of course.

It's not her.

You burrow deeper under the quilt, ignoring the fear writhing in your stomach. Squeezing your eyes shut, you think of your little sister, of the meadows back home, and try to relax.

It almost works, until...



Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop.

Your eyes fly open. There is a tiny pinprick of light floating near the door. You can't see a hand grasping it, but wait! Is that a talon? You gulp.

No, no, it's not her, it can't be, it can't, no.

The pinprick of lights dances toward you. Your heart is beating too fast now. Your dinner is rising up, building up like the fear, like the tension in your chest, until you can't bear, you simply can't, stop, stop, stop!

The scream erupts into the air as the same time as the eyes, those horrible disfigured eyes, snatch the life right out of you.

EDIT: Edit for forgetting word count...again.

[challenge] cheesecake

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