Chocolate Chip Mint 30

Sep 28, 2010 13:01

Title: Watching You
Author: hmltwin (Heather)
Challenge: Chocolate Chip Mint #30 (innocent)
Word Count: 434
Summary: Devin watches Ezra go about a normal evening at home.
Story: Sometimes, It Takes a Fox

As the lights turned off the little art gallery across the street, Devin focused the scope on the sitting room upstairs. He'd used the scope to look around the place while Pemberton had been downstairs with his customers. He knew the layout fairly well and he had identified the door that acted as the entrance to the apartment.

Just as he'd guessed, the door opened. Devin watched the suspect step inside the little upstairs apartment. Pemberton paused just inside the doorway. Then he smiled. It wasn't the smile he gave to customers downstairs - the one that meant he was just being friendly in order to make a sale. This was an honest, warm smile.

Looking closer, Devin saw him stoop and lift something off the floor. It only took him a moment to identify what it was Pemberton held. "He's got a little dog," he mused. "Who would have figured him for a dog?"

Pemberton snuggled the animal for a moment. Then he shut the door and turned the deadbolt. At least he had the sense to lock the door. He moved towards the kitchen, next. Devin tracked his movements with the scope.

His lips were moving rapidly, as if he were carrying on a conversation. However, the only one to hear him was the dog in his arms. He set the little animal on the floor, out of view once more. Then he reached into a nearby cupboard and drew out a large green bag. Devin knew what it was without trying to read the label: kibble.

The dog fed, Pemberton put the bag of kibble away. He moved to the refrigerator. For a moment, he was also out of view. This was one of only a few places where Devin couldn't see him. The man needed some curtains.

Devin watched a moment longer before Pemberton stepped back into view. He put something into the microwave and then lifted a glass off the counter. He set it on the table. Devin watched as he sat down in a chair at the table. The little dog leapt into a second chair.

When Ezra retrieved his meal, he didn't push the little animal off the chair. He simply began to eat his dinner. Devin could only think of one reason why that would be so: this little dog was his only family in North Lake. It was his only companion and a source of unconditional love.

Devin sighed softly. "Nothing suspicious," he reported to the recorder. "Suspect is eating dinner with... animal companion." Simply calling the little dog his pet didn't seem right somehow.

[challenge] chocolate chip mint

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