Remember way back when I was first starting at BCA and parents came to sit in on mini sample lessons? This week had the exciting sequel! But this time flying solo so, you know, yipee!
Because having everyone in on the same day would make things too cramped, of the school's five classes (Kindergarten, two grade one classes, one grade two class, and a three/four split, if you care to know), the event is held over two days, with Kindergarten and one of the grade one classes held over until Thursday. It followed the same format as last time: two English lessons, an Art lesson (last time being Music) and two Chinese lessons. Lunch was an hour both days from 12-1, which sucked on Wednesday since I had duty. After lunch (again both days), the principals held an half-hour event for the kiddies, an effort on their part to give the teachers a break. Wednesday they got an assembly in the Music Room about the new Tuesday/Thursday lunchtime practice of playing on the front field rather than the back playground. Thursday they got to go to the library and work on patches for some sort of least I think that's what they were up to, I'm not sure though - one of my kiddies was in trouble for hitting other children and I may have missed a few details. On Wednesday, after the assembly, there was a House Event - my House Event. Well, okay, mine and my partner's House Event and if I'm going to be honest she did a lot more than I did - it was not only her idea but she did most of the prep work in terms of gathering and setting out supplies. The kids brought in recyclables and in teams of about six they chose a model and used their materials to create an outfit their model than showed off in a pseudo fashion show. It went pretty well.
Thursday was the day - MY day. I was nervous but confident - it was a weird and contrary emotional bag. I had two lessons. First we made 3D shapes out of marshmallows and toothpicks. The day before we had gone over corners (which would be the marshmallows) and edges (which would be the toothpicks) and made counts of each, recording them on a big A3 paper with outlines of each shape to work from. At first it went a little...wrong. They were literally placing the toothpicks over the lines of the drawings. *head-desk* Once that little misconception was corrected, it went very well though and everyone made cubes, pyramids, and rectangular prisms with help from their mothers. Score! To break up the lessons, we had a quick Shake Break (thank you, Pancake Manor!). Second we played Space Bingo where we did a mix of trivia and spelling to show off our knowledge of outer space and celesial bodies. The kiddies killed it. So very proud of the munchkins.
And so much more relieved to take them out for snack time and then hand them off to Vicky and have done with the teaching-with-an-audience experience. Thank all the gods in heaven, hell, and in between that I don't have to do that again until - like - November of next year. Hallelujah!