See this?
This is a Pokemon called Sandshrew. Cute, isn't he? He and I have something in common (besides the cuteness, that is): we are both 27. Yup, that's right; as of today I am the big 2-7. Fortunately, I'm not a rock star or I'd be worried.
To celebrate, I went out with the other teachers on Friday night. Checked out this restaurant in Sanlitun called Great Leap on account of their having, and I quote, "the absolute best burgers in all of Beijing." Turns out, they really do. Walked around afterward and ended up at a bar called The Tree. Basically consumed a heck of a lot of Coca Cola while the others footed the bill. It was pretty sweet and, hey, it didn't hurt that I had awesome company. All-in-all, it was a pretty great night and a decent celebration (although I definitely miss London's Broadway outings).
Oh, and did I mention the day started with cake? Rainbow cake cover in M&Ms that spelled out my name. Kellee made it for me and left it in the staff room.
Yesterday I had to take Koda to ICVS for his last distemper shot. He was not a happy camper and ended up scratching the tech who tried to take his temperature via rectal thermometer. Tech proceeded to freak and scurried from the room to bandage his apparently mortally wounded palm. Whimp. Afterward, while two techs trimmed Koda's claws (*snicker*), I had the ever-so-fun chat with the vet about having Koda neutered. Pretty straight forward so I made the appointment, came home, and realized I had to attend the school's Spring Fair on that date so will have to call and get it rescheduled. Blech. Bright side (or not, depending on your point of view), finally got a vet who gave a straight answer about Koda's kibble brand and, as it turns out, Nature Bridge has been linked to kidney problems. Guess who's getting Whiskas from now on?
As for today's plans, it being my birthday and all, I plan to veg; I will watch my favourite movies, read some of my favourite books, ignore my pile of work, and field calls and emails from my family and friends.