Update 10/06/12 (Fanfic Recommendations 3 (10 Days to Go))

Jun 10, 2012 18:09


Yes, yes, another update. Aren't we all pleased? Well, I am, and then I'm not.

Basically, I have some good news and some bad news, so I'm just going to go through the bulletins and you'll see for yourself.

News: The Art of Subconscious Illusion: Rewritten
The Good News: The plans for the chapters to come are actually coming along splendidly now. Where once there were plans for only up to chapter 13, I now have up to chapter 16 more or less completed, with plans that there will be, at most, about 20 chapters - a lot more than the orginal 12-15 chapters I was expecting, so not bad, eh? Yeah, you'll be seeing more of this fic for a good while.

The Bad News: I am currently so embarrassed and irritated by the presense of the first 7 chapters, that, because they are really important, I am going to do the only sensible thing and rewrite them to the same skill and level that you see in the most recent chapters. Why? Because I care about you guys, and I want to see this fic do right by you all. In fact, I'm so adamant on this that I will rewrite the first 7 chapters before I even get round to chapter 12, and upload the rewritten chapters on the same day, so that you're not waiting or stewing in confusion.

To review:
My AoSI: R To Do List (For After HIATUS):
  1. Rewrite Chapter 1 (Tension)
  2. Rewrite Chapter 2 (An Epic Of Time Wasted)
  3. Rewrite Chapter 3 (Trashed And Scattered)
  4. Rewrite Chapter 4
  5. Rewrite Chapter 5 (M.I.A)
  6. Rewrite Chapter 6 (Unholy Confessions
  7. Rewrite Chapter 7 (Nightmare)
  8. Upload Chapters 1-7 on the SAME DAY
  9. Write, then edit Chapter 12
  10. Finish chapter plan for remaining chapters
  11. Carry on as normal for the rest of the fic!

My General FanFic To Do List (For After HIATUS):
  1. Complete the first 8 items on the AoSI: R To Do List. Complete step 9, if possible as well.

(The Rest (In No Particular Order))
  • Edit Chapter 14 of NoHoper, and upload on the site.
  • Finish songs for White Apples.
  • Write Chapter 2 of Omake Discharge, and edit. Prepare for the Chapter 3 content.
  • Write Chapters 1-4 of White Apples before publishing, if possible. Edit to perfection too.  
  • Slowly but surely go on to finish AoSI: R and NoHoper, then go into White Apples with full force.

When I know how long this is going to take me in all, and when I have an idea of what day I'm aiming for exactly, I'll tell you, and then you can keep a handy look-out for them. Thanks for understanding.

Hmm, so with no other actual news for my fics, and the Hiatus carrying on as it should, I think that's it for news. With that in mind, I think I'll actually go on to give you another Fanfic Recommendation marathon, because I love these, and so do you.

Title: Collateral Damage
Author: Bloodshot Eyes
Status: ON HOLD (Until the end of Genius is a Curse)
Synopsis: When an old evemy resurfaces, this time there is more on the line for L than random corpses - this time, it's personal. Meanwhile, in states he thought he'd never endure before, at the hands of someone he never knew existed, Light realises how terribly ungodlike he really is.
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Pairing: Not so much 'paired', but definitely starring Beyond Birthday and Light Yagami
Rated: M - Here, this stands for 'Gruesome Violence'. It makes the author a little sick to write it, so for the reader...
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4059829/1/Collateral_Damage
Additional: Currently on hold while the plot is being rebuilt, what is here so far will blow you away. Just don't eat your dinner directly before or after reading it - this is worse than her other fic Fracture.

Title: Redivivus
Author: Silver Pard
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Over the years Ryuk spent watching Light, the most important thing he learned was how to follow the rules to the letter and still break them. With Light on his side, there won't be any such thing as boredom (or, at least, if he can help it).
Genre: Supernatural and Humour, I'd say.
Pairing: Hinted LightxL
Rated: T - A tamer fic, but no less brilliant, this includes younger (and cuter) apparitions of our well-known characters, Shinigami bullying, and a very smart mouth.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4182475/1/Redivivus
Additional: For lovers of the original series, this will remind you why you fell in love with Death Note all over again.

Title: Sic Transit Gloria
Author: Elly Liselle
Status: Complete
Synopsis: Light went as far as letting go of his memories to prove his innocence, but when L tampers with the plans, how will he cope?
Genre: Romance
Pairing: LxLight
Rated: M - Just for a bit of smut really.
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6083601/1/Sic_Transit_Gloria
Additional: All in all, a lovely romance... with a completed sequel!

Title: Memento Mori
Author: Nilahxapiel
Status: Complete
Synopsis: When Light was assaulted, he was knocked off his pedastal. Hard. So thoroughly undeserving of the title of Kira, he has to end it all, and what better way than to confess, than to be led by L himself to his execution? But L won't have any of that. He's far too suspiscious.
Genre: Angst, Romance, Drama
Pairing: LxLight
Rated: M - for obvious themes
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/3659914/1/bMemento_b_bMori_b
Additional: This romance fic makes up for any possible disappointments with plot. Not to be missed.

Title: Deadboy
Author: plannedbyReaperLight
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Post series. Aizawa had not expected to see him again... and yet here he was, trying to give him a heart attack.
Genre: Humour, Supernatural
Pairing: None
Rated: T
Link: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6858130/1/Deadboy
Additional: Like 'Redivivus', a look at the post series, and yet not.

I'm gonna make those it for now, because I have given you about five here. The total of recommended fics is now... 13, altogether. I'd recommend another fic, 'Rue Transnonain', by an author who may or may not be 'Le KING', but for some reason I cannot get to it to save my life. If you think you will have better luck, here it is:

Title: Rue Transnonain
Author: (May be Le KING)
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Things are as usual in Investigations... or are they? Only Light and L know, and Light is getting pretty close to threatening L with blackmail for exchange for... who knows what? L stars as the unreliable narrator here.
Genre: Humour, Romance (?)
Pairing: LxLight, undoubtedly
Rated: M, for some smut, and for more laughs that you'll ever let your children have.
Link: It's on fanfiction.net, the story id is 7073241 (or it was), and you have the story title. Sorry, folks, but you'll just have to find out for yourselves then come and tell me.
Additional: As wonderful and funny as it is, I have absolutely no idea over what is going on with this fic. It is as though it was here one day, then gone the next (and it still hasn't turned up). I've tried messaging the potential author, but alas, no reply. It may have been deleted or something, so your best bet is to report a request for the search on the site with the Admins. They'll have a better idea.

Well, that was an exciting journal update. Just make sure to stay in tuned, and I'll have something for you later (as in, in more than a week, maybe). If you have anything to ask, you know to comment. I do tend to reply, so you know, and rather promptly too.
Hopefully, you'll get some exciting stuff later, eh?

Thanks again for understanding, everyone!
Ruin TakadaXXX

omake discharge, ruin takada, memento mori, sic transit gloria, elly liselle, aosi: r, angst, suspense, silver pard, deadboy, supernatural, takada, horror, romance, plannedbyreaperlight, collateral damage, nohoper, nilahxapiel, fanfiction, humour, white apples, rue transnonain, bloodshot eyes, drama, recommendation, redivivus, ruin

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