Update 1/06/12 (19 Days to Go)

Jun 01, 2012 15:51


Currently, we are just over the half-way mark in the hiatus, and so far, I am genuinely surprised that I've made it this far. I'm genuinely surprised that you've all made it this far as well.

Because it should generally be assumed that if I'm updating  it means that I actually have news, we'll get right on with the bulletins.

News: Instiutution
As you know, it is all thanks to the Institution that I am working hard and having to stay away from you. So far, this hasn't actually changed. Sorry folks, but it looks like I still can't come out to play!

As for the short story, A Tale From Desolate Times, that is still going ahead, I hear. No changes there, kids!

News: White Apples
Ahhh, now this is what you really want to know about, isn't it?

As I said before, the only thing that I actually need to work on is lyrics, and then I can start work on the first few chapters - it should go without saying that, as my shameful behaviour from the past has indicated, I will most definitely be aiming to have the first few chapters of the fic written before I start publishing or updating anything. As June has before been my month of note for waiting for this fic (that is, until I had a massive moverhaul on the whole damn thing and pulled this stunt), you should be aware that it will now be my month for starting work, not for seeing anything. If i do publish any of it later this month, it will be right on the tail end.

We have, however, had quite a breakthrough. For this reason, and because I don't want any of you to let me shirk out of this, I will reveal to you the titles of the songs I'll be writing as they currently stand. They are (in no particular order):

「あなたは栄養はなかったら、 美味しいではなければならない」
(Anata wa Eiyou wa Nakattara, Oishii Dewanakereba Naranai)

(Kami-Sama wa Doko Dake Shiru Mori no Naka de)


(Momo no You ni Amai)

(Douki o Shimete)

(KOOHII to Wadai)


(Ningen no REEZAA)

There. I'd originally planned on about six as a necessary precaution, but here we have eight. As you can see, most of the titles are in Japanese because that's how I wanted it. This shouldn't be too bad, because I've given you the readings for each to help you, and because the font seems a bit small. The fun thing now is that you can, if you like, try to translate the titles and see what you can find! I'd recommend you do it - it'll be great fun.

Now, one of the reasons I've revealed this to you is because, believe it or not, all the notes I can write on each and every song has been written, and every topic that I want covered in the lyrics of each song is ready and set to be covered. All that needs to be written are the lyrics themselves. As small a breakthrough as this seems, this IS quite a breakthrough, for the simple reason that it means I cannot actually forget, lose, or waste my time on these. All I have to do is get the motivation to do.

If it takes me until August to write these lyrics now, then you are waiting until bloody August!

News: Other Fics
Omake Discharge: The second chapter topic is completely set and being planned when I have the chance and time to. It will, by all accounts, probably appear before anything else. You can still choose what the topic is for the third chapter, so PLEASE do take advantage of this and go to my profile on fanfiction.net and vote for the third chapter's topic. Since a unique short story is the topic of choice for the second chapter, that's all set, but there are still many other things to choose from! So do! Go and choose/vote!

NoHoper: The next chapter (chapter 14) has been written out completely, but I still have to go through and edit it, which I will do when I get the motivation to. The rest of the story has been planned out, so if I can have this fic all done before the end of the summer, that will be quite a feat, since it has been around for just under a year (since 22/06/11). In case you were wondering, that makes NoHoper the fastest multichapter fic in terms of quantity of chapters in the time. By the end, there will be about 19 chapters in all (including an epilogue).

The Art of Subconscious Illusion: Rewritten: The next chapter is completely planned out, but has yet to be actually started. Don't worry though, because I will most deifinitely have it started soon. As for the rest of the fic, it has been more or less planned out, but there are still one or two chapters that need elaborating on in the plan, although I do still have a idea of what the low-down is in that hoe-down. So far, in terms of content and timing, expect a total of 18 chapters in all for this longest-running of fics. I know I once said it would only be between 12-15 chapters, but now you have more. So enjoy it.

Well, thank you for tuning in to yet another update, and I hope to join you properly soon. Until then, you are, as the saying goes, 'On Your Own'

Thanks again, and with luff,
Ruin Takada XXX

institution, omake discharge, death note, lyrics, songs, ruin takada, news, aosi: r, discharge, takada, death, omake, nohoper, od, the art of subconscious illusion: rewrit, fanfiction, white apples, note, ruin

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