Angel Gift

Jul 23, 2010 18:54


“Because you’re at peace.” A gentle voice said.

She was startled. Someone or something in a long robe appeared in front of her bathed in white light.

She squinted at the brightness.

An angel. Her mind told her as soon as she saw a pair of wings.

I must really be in heaven.

“Almost but not quite.” the angel smiled at her.

“Then where am I?” she was surprised by her own voice and by the fact that the angel just responded to her question in mind.

“You can call it paradise. It’s your own secret place.” the angel motioned for her to sit. She obliged while the angel also sat in front of her.

“You mean it’s mine?”

“This is your idea of a paradise, a bit sad being by yourself don’t you think?” the angel gave her a knowing look.

She couldn’t decide whether the angel is male or a female.

Idiot, angels don’t have specific genders.  She scolded herself. She decided on a she. The angel is indeed beautiful but she also sense masculinity.

She eyed the angel carefully just as the angel observed her curiously. The angel seemed vaguely familiar but she can’t pin point how, where or when.

The angel smiled again, “It’s not that you don’t remember me, it’s more like you’ve always known me.”

She didn’t understand what the angel meant.

“Am I dead?”

The angel shook her head.

“Then what am I? Why am I here?”

The angel held her hand.

“You are still alive, barely, but alive. It’s your soul that’s dying. It’s getting weaker, sick.”

“I still don’t get it. You mean after all this, I’m gonna have to go back to that forsaken world?” she trembled.

“There’s still hope. It isn’t your time yet.”

“No! I like it here! You said it’s my own secret place, my paradise! I don’t care if I’m alone. It’s a whole lot better than being in lost in that world.”

Tears started streaming down her face.

“My parents kept fighting until they split up and took off on their own. I know I’m legal enough to be living on my own but they didn’t even bother about me, about how I feel! They didn’t bother to ask me at all. It didn’t matter whether I’m excelling at school or flunking. My grandparents… were the only one who cared for me, died a long time ago.”

“You miss them.”

“So much… before, I thought I had a happy family, my parents were there for me, tucked me in, tell me bedtime stories, played with me, loved me but then they got obsessed with money, work! Since then my grandparents took their place. We’d always attend mass together. I knew they loved me. At that time I was happy despite my parents’ absence.” She smiled abruptly before crying again. “When my grandfather died, my grandmother followed shortly after. Since then I’ve stop going to church, I envied those families who go together.”

Dark clouds began to gather and fill the sky.

“I thought my life was at its worst but happiness came once again when I was diagnosed with some cancer. I’m finally going to die!” she laughed but tears kept falling.

“There are many who care about you.” The angel wiped her tears. She brushed it away.

“Who? My so-called friends who acts nice but talks about me behind my back?” she smirked. “Everyone’s the same. I don’t need their pity.” She looked hurt.

“You should know that God loves you. I love you. God sent me as a gift when you were born. You’re never short in love.” The angel smiled lovingly at her.

She felt better after hearing those words.

She knows that and truly believes it. She understands now why there’s something familiar about the angel.

My guardian angel.

“Let me stay here then, you’re here. No one loves me there.” She hugged her angel and pleaded.

“I’m with you wherever you may go, always.” The angel patted her head.

“But I’m dying anyway. What’s the point?”

“God has something on His mind for you. You trust him don’t you?”

She nodded.

“Leave it to him. I’ll be with you.”

The sky began to clear up.

“There are people who would miss you.”

“No, there isn’t.” she replied almost automatically despite herself.

“You shouldn’t push them away, you know, instead you have to reach out to them, else, how will they know how you feel. Maybe they are just waiting for you to make the first move.”

“How will I know whom to trust?”

“Isn’t it better to trust than to doubt? What matters is that you were able to convey your message to them for them to understand. It’s up to them how they will respond to it.”

“That’s the part I’m afraid of.” She smiled nervously.

“That’s also part of life.” The angel winked at her. “Though humans are naturally good, some of them get lost and their souls get sick too…”

“Like mine?”

The angel nodded.

“They sometimes need others to heal them and at times, they have to heal themselves.”

“Are my parents’ soul sick as well?”

“Maybe, or maybe they’re just getting old, they tend to forget what’s most important. You may have to remind them from time to time.”

She laughed.

“And when they’re lost, you have to guide them, help them find their way back.”

“Is that what angels do too?”

“Part of it, yes. Everyone can be an angel to others. One can even give protection to another just like what guardian angels do.”

“Can’t you protect me from cancer?” the question slipped out before she realized. She thought she had already accepted that fact and was even happy about it.

“Unfortunately. God has a reason for it. Reasons which even angels don’t know. We can only trust in Him as we continue to watch over you.”

“I understand. I’m well aware of that.” She starts to sob quietly. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even realize how much my illness bothered me. I guess I’ve always thought of it as a way to escape.” She covered her face with her hands.

The angel shook her head and reached out to pat the girl’s head.

“You were strong to have faced it on your own. And now you know that you’re never alone, never were and never will be. You can remain true to yourself and consider how you truly feel.” the angel lift the girl’s head.

She nodded.

“When I found out I had a deadly illness, I was really scared. I couldn’t trust anyone so I kept it all to myself. I tried to tell myself that I was being optimistic about finally being able to think of it as a way of ending my problems…but I knew I was just running away like a coward.”

“God has said, ‘ask and you shall receive…“the angel started.

“…seek and you shall find, knock and…”she continued. The angel smiled at her.

“…it shall be opened to you.” They both finished.

“God is telling you to depend on Him.” The angel stated. “Well, tis true that His answers are not always so specific or given right away…”

“Patience is a virtue huh.” She interrupted giving a weak smile.

“That too.” The angel chuckled. “You know He has your best interest at heart.”

“So if I ask God that I want to stay here with you, would He allow me?”

“Is that what you really want? Do you really not want to go back? Listen to what your heart is telling you.” The angel gave her a knowing look.

She closed her eyes.

She knows what she really wants but is afraid to admit it.

I want to live.

It does not have to be happily ever after but to feel how it’s like to really live.

“I wasn’t really looking at the brighter side, wasn’t I? I was doing the opposite.” She smiled with just a hint of regret.

She breathe in deeply and let it slowly out.

She opened her eyes.

“I want to go back, even if it’s just for a short while, I want to live again.”

Her guardian angel smiled brightly and took both of her hands as they flew together.

The view was spectacular. She enjoyed every scene. She felt a bit sad to be leaving such a wonderful place but she knows that it will always be her own secret place and she can always to back to it.

They flew towards a brilliantly shining white light.

She closed her eyes.

When she opened it again, she saw a white ceiling. She looked around and figured out that she was in a hospital. Her hand had IV attached to it.

She felt her head, her face, wriggled her fingers and toes.

I’m alive! She thought happily.

“Hi. You’re finally awake.” A voice interrupted her celebration.

She turned to where the voice came from. There was a guy, about her age, lying on another hospital bed a few distances from hers. His right arm got a cast around it.

He smiled at her.

She still couldn’t find her voice so she just nodded.

“It’s just a minor injury. It will heal soon.” He explained when he noticed her looking at his arm. She smiled and continued looked around the room.

No one else was around.

“My mom will be back in a while. You know, a lot of people came to see you a while ago. They were a bit noisy as they fussed over you so they got chased away by the nurse.” He continued.

People actually fussed over me? Wonder who they were…

“Your parents, well I think they were your parents, are talking to a doctor over there. The doctor looked troubled.” The guy said looking in the direction he was talking about. She followed suit.

She watched her parents’ reaction shift from surprised to sad then happy.

They must have found out about my illness. I can understand their being sad but happy? Why?

The talk seemed to have finished as her parents came back into the room and was surprise to see her awake.

Her mom hurried over and hugged her. Her dad followed after.

“I’m sorry sweetheart, no we’re sorry. We caused you a lot of pain. We didn’t realize what you were going through.” Her mom cried out.

“Forgive us. We’re so glad to have you back.” Her dad agreed ruffling her hair.

Her tears well up and fell silently as she happily listened to her parents.

“I’m sorry I worried you.” She croaked, slowly recovering her voice.

She didn’t notice someone enter the room.

It was a woman.

Her parents updated her on what happened and introduced the person who had arrived. She was surprised when she saw who it was.

She was the one who found her crumpled on the street and brought her to the hospital.

“Welcome back!” the angel greeted her.

“Thank you so much. I’m happy to be alive.” She beamed.

Then her parents continued narrating what the doctor told them.

Her doctor was the only other person who has known about her condition. He was puzzled after their assessment. Her cancer has miraculously vanished with no further trace whatsoever.

She turned to the angel with much surprise when she heard that she’s cured. The angel just winked at her and placed her index finger on her lips.

After that, her parents thanked the woman again as she excused herself and left.

Her parents was called again for some paper work since her parents insisted on letting her have a thorough check-up so she will still be admitted.

“Congratulations on being well again.” The guy said when her parents left. He had been silently listening on the conversation. “By the way, I’m…”

A few months has passed, she’s living well and healthy. She finally made some friends and she’s going to be a big sister soon.

She has also found someone special. The person she met the moment she opened her eyes back in the hospital.

There are still times when she feels down but there is always that special place she can go to and someone to turn to.

The gift of angel God gave her. ^^

pairing: oc, fic: angel gift, length: oneshot

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