OJ (1. Yoroshiku!)

Jul 23, 2010 22:32

Yoroshiku! (Please to meet you!)

His PSP almost went flying as he landed hard on the pavement. He turned to look at what cause his fall and found a foot of a girl slumped on the wall of the store. She was pale and her eyes are closed, around her was a bunch of advertising posters.

“Oi, Daijoubu ka?(are you alright?)” he asked, patting the girl’s shoulder.

No response.

She was in cold sweat. The sun was beating down hard.

He looked around for help but no one was near to even bother. He felt around for his phone but he couldn’t find it. He decided to move her to the shaded side of the store building and fanned her with the posters lying around. He noticed that they were a familiar ad.

She finally stirred after a while. Her eyes opened slowly.

“A-re? Dare?(who?)” she inquired as her vision cleared up when she’s regained consciousness and tried to sit up straight. She looked around and gasped at the site of the posters lying everywhere.

“Oh no! My boss is going to kill me when she sees this.” She started gathering them into neat piles.

“Ano, are you alright? Don’t you need to go to the hospital?” he asked as he helped her pick up.

“Huh? Oh, I’m fine. That usually happens. The heat was getting to me, that’s all.” She assured him, she thought he looked familiar then she realized that she hasn’t thanked him.

“Mooshiawake guzaimsen!(i'm sorry) Hontou arigatou guzaimasu! I’m sorry to have troubled you. I’ll be able to take care of this. Mou daijoubu desu.(i'm fine now.)” She bowed her head.

“Hontou?(really?) Ja, ki otsukeru ne.(take care)” he said as he handed her the posters and turned to leave then stopped in his tracks, looked back at her and said, “Ganbarre!(do your best)”.

“Hai, arigatou.(yes, thanks)” She said. They went on separate ways.


“Anata!(you) What are you doing here?” he asked bewildered when they met again, this time at work.

“A-re? You two know each other already?” Dita asked them looking from one to the other.

“Not really, I saw her this morning.” He replied.

“He helped me when I had my fainting spells again. Ano, Hontou ni arigatou. Watashi no namae wa Shiyama Rin desu. Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.(Um,thank you very much, my name is Shiyama Rin. please to meet you.)” Rin introduced herself and reassured Dita who immediately looked worried upon hearing her illness acting up again. She realized why he looked so familiar before.

“She’s my best friend, she works here now. She’s in the advertising department.” Dita explained. “Thank you for taking care of her.”

“He’s the guitarist of the band, Niji, this company has produced.” Dita continued.

“Boku wa Nino desu(i'm nino). Kazunari Ninomiya, haijimemashite.(please to meet you.)” taking his turn for self introduction.

“Oh yeah! Ninomiya-kun is an otaku and so is Rin-chan! You should get along well.” Dita teased. “That reminds me, besides guitar, Nino only has his PSP on his hands, it surprised me that you even noticed her this morning.” Dita continued eyeing him suspiciously.

“Uhh, actually, my PSP went flying went I tripped over her foot dakara(that's why)…” Nino admitted sheepishly.

“Yappari.” Dita said triumphantly.

“Gomen Nasai!(sorry) I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to trip anybody.” Rin bowed her head looking horrified.

“Wakattemasu yo (I get it). Heki heki(Fine). Shimpai sonna.(no worries)” He said accepting her apology and amused at her reaction. “So, you’re also an otaku huh?” he asked to lighten her up. It worked. Dita left them babbling about anime stuffs.


Next chapter....

master fic list, pairing: nino/oc, fic: oj, band: arashi, length: chaptered

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