Another MOMent

Jul 23, 2010 14:30

            She came in as quietly as she could. Her heart was starting to skip a beat as she tiptoed towards his bed, wondering how to surprise him.

Would he love it like he used to?

She crouched down and watched his sleeping face when she reached his bed, careful not to wake him.

She smiled as she observed the sleeping figure. The way he sleeps hasn’t changed since he was still very young.

Sleeping like a baby lying on his back.

She tucked away his hair that was covering his face.

Time sure flies fast.

Tears start to well up in her eyes as she pulled the covers over his back.

He was smiling. She wondered what he was dreaming about.

She patted his back softly as she hummed his favorite lullaby while trying to hold back the tears.

“Umma, what’s wrong? Why are you crying?” Taemin asked blinking his eyes and looking worriedly at her.

“Nothing. I…” she hastily wiped her cheeks. “I’m fine.” She smiled warmly at him.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” she greeted him cheerfully. He squinted his eyes as she kissed his forehead.

“Thanks.” He chuckled, remembering that it was his birthday.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked again, sitting up and reaching out to wipe the tears from the corner of her eyes.

She nodded.

“I was just observing you while you were sleeping and I realized how much you’ve grown already. You’re actually eighteen today and you’re off to college soon. I felt like you grew up too fast.” She paused to wipe the tears that were falling again.

“I know, I shouldn’t be like this, but I can’t help missing my baby.” She stammered, “I’m sorry. Your umma’s so emotional.” She sniffed and laughed meekly.

“Umma…” he shook his head and smiled, “I will still be living here while I go to college. So don’t worry. It’s alright.” He gently hugged her.

“Oi, what’s the drama all about in such a special day?” Heechul came in.

“Saeng-il chukkahae!” he patted his son’s shoulder.

“Why are you crying? You were so excited just a moment ago, preparing for his birthday. You said you were going to wake him up. What happened?” Heechul turned to her and placed both his hands on her shoulders.

“I’m fine. I just got a little emotional. Our son’s growing up so fast.” She replied.

“You shouldn’t be like that. It’s his special day and you’re worrying him. You should be happy that he’s grown up well and healthy.” Her husband chuckled.

“You’ve done well.” He continued also wiping her cheeks dry.

Taemin nodded and smiled.

She finally cheered up.

“Umma, if you really miss having a baby. I don’t mind being a big brother.” Taemin grinned.

“Hmm, You know, that isn’t such a bad idea.” Heechul chimed in, putting his arms on his son’s shoulders and eyeing his wife.

“What?!” she exclaimed looking at the both of them grinning back at her.

“That-that’s…” she stuttered backing away.

I don’t mind having another baby but the birth process is also very fresh in my memory…she grimaced at the thought.

Hmm…We’ll see. she thought, looking back at them.
            “The both of you, go and eat breakfast already.” She ordered standing and putting her hands on her hips.

Heechul and Taemin were laughing as they followed her towards the dining room.

"Umma, What's my present this year?" Taemin asked as he caught up with her. With him already taller than her, he easily wrapped an arm over her shoulders.
          "Present? I thought you're all grown up already? You still expect presents?" She laughed at his childishness and also for payback.
         Taemin pouted and turned to Heechul who just shrugged then stuck his tongue out before laughing along with her.

fic: moments, band: shinee, pairing: heechul/oc, band: super junior, pairing: taemin centric, length: oneshot

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