Jun 07, 2008 08:53
Wooooooooohoooooooooo last night Matt and I went to a country restaraunt in Twin Falls. It was full of cowboys with funny accents wearing big hats.....we also wandered around a big cliff which Matt wouldnt allow me to wander down.....and I saw my first waterfall :D We just got back from breakfast, and I've hijacked Matt's livejournal (which he left logged in on my laptop :P) to come be annoying. I think he's having fun, and he really should update lj more often!
We have to go back tonight cos his poopy job makes him work Sundays, but it's been nice to do a mini-vacay! Later we're going to check out more waterfalls!
Oh yeah, he has like a week off in August, which'll be nice, he seems overworked lately!