Had a tooth removed, and he didn't tell me to not frighten me! He went on with his day as normal, and only confessed when I told him he was speaking a bit weirdly.
Poor thing!! I can't believe all those woman on Imamother who say men are babies/when sick. When I had teeth removed I was in bed for a week! It is immensely painful and very hard!
Oh gosh. My gum curetage (top) was really hard. The anaesthesia isn't wearing out. Tanit dibur. It was really worse than the bottom, for some reason. And I went already with a migraine, so I took a ton of painkillers already, and it's just the afternoon. Oy.
Today was a fast. My husband is doing it, not me (in my custom, women only keep Tisha BeAv and Yom Kippur, and in my husband's custom, shtark women may attempt half fast if they fast ok but yeah
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