From Twitter 09-28-2010

Sep 29, 2010 03:03

  • 11:35:40: 1600 euros for dental care, only 600 paid back? social security sucks!
  • 13:00:18: Still can't believe the director of the school called personally to apologize for delays in sending me the papers! wow!
  • 13:00:31: Papers sent back! I'm back to school!
  • 22:46:16: Berenice found after escape! bh
  • 22:46:30: My friend is moving in just in the next building! yay!
  • 22:46:54: Oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh, worms after lice???
  • 22:47:20: We have a new siamese boy and a gorgeous male piggy, oh and we found sheyna's family <3 <3 omg

Tweets copied by

some people still care, social security, animal care degree, family, berenice, breeding, nits n lice, corradino, teeth, school, sheyna, friends, kwanjaï

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