My second student (sad)

Sep 29, 2010 19:04

Auricular acupuncture is love. Really.

I went for the sinus scan (guess what, it closes early today because of Yomtov, in a public hospital!) and there is nothing wrong. And my aches are basically gone, since AA. <3

After that and my medical exams, I quite tired already, but I had a student to teach.

I went there, and instead of the bad, stupid student the mother told me about, I found a nice, polite, interested, clever, eager to learn 12 yr old little boy. It was quite upsetting to see how he went all red when I just said he didn't make many mistakes, and how he called himself an "imbecile" (definitely a word grown ups tell him) for a slight misunderstanding. I reacted strongly, saying he was not an imbecile he just made a mistake, and emphasizing his GREAT grades in maths and physics (equivalent would be A+++, perfection) and also his A in composition. Mom sighed. I'm not sure she likes my way.

I helped him with his Englist test but his mom bitched that she can do it (she's an ex English teacher, but she doesn't have time, she says). He had to write down everything single sentence I made him form so she could check "if he was working".

Big sis, 16, was in the same room, trying to do her own homework. When mom arrive in the roomd, she sent her to prepare a bottle for the baby and give it. Mom took baby one minute, then went in the girl's room (actually the room she shares with her brother and baby sibling!), dumped the baby and told her "keep the baby in your room!". Girl started crying that she wanted to go to bed - it was 4 pm, but she had been up all night with baby. Mom ignored. Then she went to drink a coffee in the kitchen. Later she went shopping, and when I told the kid to call his mom to ask her when I come back, he said "I'm not allowed to use the phone, it costs money". O_o. He ended dialing the mom's number then hung up quickly.

It was really depressing, and when the mom calls me to tell me if she thinks her son worked enough or if he needs a harsher teacher, I'm not sure what option is best. I don't want to see her face again, but kiddo deserves a chance at a normal learning time :(

for background study: Religious family, scriptures all around the house, not one picture because it's idolatry. Kids in public school because parents can't afford religious school.

teaching little momo, yomtov, health, work, judaism, teaching, auricular acupuncture, sinus, kids, france, and booj says i'm strict

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