Feb 21, 2011 02:02
- 17:30:48: So late on updates... if you're not on FB you have missed my Switzerland trip and my Italy trip! here they are!
- 17:34:55: Just gpt into the train alteady fed up of people pushing & yellin in german lol
- 17:36:15: Controleur a tronche deSS, voisins bruyants detraques qui bouffent de la daube moisie, repas qui naura pas l air bien different dans 3 jours
- 17:36:20: Notre voisin est le sosie du collabo dans papy fait de la resistance... Je sais pas combien de jours je vais tenir!
- 17:37:04: Reisofibo: travel fever. Does it also apply if the fever comes from an allergic reaction to a nefarious environment???
- 17:37:14: Le voisin collabo qui va draguer le controleur "moi j aime bcp les allemands!!" - y en a qui ont 65 ans de retard par ici!!!!
- 17:37:31: Le voisin collabo est perplexe... Il tourne desesperement en rond... Est ce qu ils EN SONT???
- 17:38:18: Here we'll have to lose the habit to use yiddish as secret language!!
- 17:38:27: Envahis de vieux mouchoirs pourris et de bouffe ecrasee... Point positif: le wagon est plus calme depuis que matel dort...
- 17:38:35: Pourquoi on nous a mis dans le wagon des zombies tuberculeux mdrrrr
- 17:38:49: Ici les gens utilisent du gel desinfectant a tout va et dorment avec une minerve pour garder une posture droite.... On est plus en france!
- 17:39:03: Tonight we dine at topas, one of the only kosher restaurants with ashkenazic specialty in europe!
- 17:39:12: Il a un truc qui pue, et si c etait gemey? Euh mon voisin?
- 17:40:31: When i look outside the train and see all the tall blond guys in uniform looking back, feel like i've been back in time!nightmares!
- 17:40:55: gehakte leibo & tchulent... hmmmmmm
- 17:43:01: cityville: please send me a piggy!! ♥
- 17:43:50: Forgot to report the first sentence of Matel in Germanoland: "is it allowed to kill??". Okayyyyy.
- 17:44:00: Today: Zoo (and heimish restaurant?) in Basel, tomorrow: simcha in Zurich, soon back home to deal with your shidduchim, boys & girls! ;)
- 17:44:46: Basel has extremely limited Jewish facilities, but it's still a nicer placer than some bigger communities around!
- 17:44:57: ate at the old age home at Basel!
- 17:45:15: Went to the Basel Zoo in tram!
- 17:45:25: Hens and cocks can be scary, but some can learn to eat different things, like chocolate breads or "cuculs"
- 17:45:51: "Zelig le zèbre a la diarrhée car il a trop fait lolo"
- 17:46:00: saw guinea pigs at the zoo. There were mini pigs called Jack and Jill. I had to say it, no one around me gets the joke!!
- 17:46:13: In Zurich: dinner at Fein & Schein or Baranes?
- 17:46:26: "Zélig le zèbre, son prénom anglais c'est Bésiboi. Mais des fois on l'appelle Bélig ou Zéliboi". Mati
- 17:46:38: BARANES trop bon!!!! cuisine heimish, française et thai!! super accueil
- 17:47:08: beauty colada
- 17:47:27: L'éléphant du couloir de l'hotel de Bale nous a suivi à Zurich
...et il a emmené sa portée avec lui on dirait ! - 17:48:45: TURTLE SOUP: I have found a recipe for mock turtle soup and I'm dying to know if it tastes real. Anyone ever tasted REAL one?? let me know!
- 17:49:15: to my cousin's wedding!!
- 17:49:26: SIMAN TOV U MAZEL TOV !!!!!!!! ma petite cousine est mariée!!!!!
- 17:50:02: Mati
"Last year I was a baby but now I am a big girl so I don't speak to boys and don't sit next to the little boy" - 17:50:20: "You should wear thick tights"
(Mataliban) - 17:50:28: Bh back in france!!!! Gorgeous simha but already miss my country!
- 17:51:23: L edition st valentin de angry birds est trop belle! Plein de rose, plein de ♥, du pur amour quoi ;)
- 17:53:26: Danced too much
- 17:54:37: Un cochon ange avec des ailes qui envoie des coeurs roses enormes, a game after my own ♥
- 17:55:37: Ne sais plus dans quelle langue on lui a parle et melange les langues au hasard. La suisse a ete l'experience en trop, vous voila prevenus!
- 17:57:38: "please mama, throw up! And have diarrhoea in the waterbottle!"
- 17:57:43: Paris!!!!!
- 17:57:54: Yes, some places in France dont have the internet, and not even working cell phone line.
- 17:59:23: http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4025375,00.html awwwwww some nice Middle East news!!
- 17:59:39: Legs still dead from dancing. Brain still dead from too many languages.
- 17:59:55: http://www.cross-currents.com/archives/2011/02/04/out-of-the-mouths-of-frum-babes/
- 18:00:15: http://www.gokoogle.com/newsdetail.php?id=125 Fetus waves to doctor (via ultrasound) saving mothers life
- 18:01:43: AND NOW ITALY!!!
- 18:01:59: ROMA!
- 18:02:13: Tonight at the taverna del ghetto!
latavernadelghetto.com - 18:02:23: How cute when husband refuses a guy's help bc he thinks he's actually wanting to help me!! Lol
- 18:02:35: Romantic vacation in roma!
- 18:02:47: "we are going to explain what to do if you hear wraith!! Wraith!!" what?? Does the plane go through a stargate??
- 18:03:19: Jewish/Roman artichokes and Italian gehakte leibo!
- 18:04:16: Lunch at Yotvata!
- 18:04:24: The restaurant Piperno, opened in 1860, is now not kosher anymore despite the name!
- 18:04:47: The hotel is on the place where Julius Caesar was murdered! The Jews were so sad when he died and they gathered to pray for several nights.
- 18:05:16: Got pretty gifts and a pretty bouquet!
- 18:05:46: To stay in sci fi realm, the steward looked like Piter de Vries, but with Patrick Jane's hair...
- 18:05:58: Doesn't like deceitful advertising and little girls who pretend to be ladies.
- 18:06:08: Yesterday, romantic dinner at Sheva, today ristorante ba ghetto & shopping!
- 18:07:12: I saw a gorgeous pink Guess coat for Mati but her size wasn't there!
- 18:07:25: Found Mati's gown for Pourim!!!
- 18:07:40: trop mignon la voiture avec des ailes!!
- 18:08:21: Ristorante Ba Ghetto:
Good, if you don't mind they don't have half of the menu! - 18:08:25: tomorrow in Napoli!
- 18:08:44: Too bad Deadwood ends so... blah!!! soooo disappointing!
- 18:08:51: [Rec] isn't a masterwork, but if you're looking for a shortish, quick paced, dark, disturbing horror movie, go for it!
- 18:10:05: Woke up, got up, got ready, found a taxi, went to the train station, ran after the train and caught it... in one hour and half!!!! Yay me!!
- 18:10:09: In Napoli even models have bushy eye brows! ;)
- 18:10:20: Thought that without make up I would be perv-free. Didn't work. Back to normal look...
- 18:10:32: shopping then go to eat at her friend the Napoli rebbetzin!
- 18:10:43: Drinking tap water in Napoli, for or against?
- 18:11:56: In Napoli there are boutiques where time has stopped:their most modern night gown is calflength and their panties have small skirts attached
- 18:12:28: "The worst yetzer hara (evil inclination) is that one forgets one is a Ben Melech (son of a king)", rebbe Shlomo of Karlin
- 18:13:10: Home sweet home! Note to the weird girl who kept watching me meanly, watch who your guy is watching instead, i would have done without that!
- 18:13:22: People are sooooo openly curious & nosy!!
- 18:13:33: People criticize then copy...
- 18:14:20: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4IF8OmLOMw A concert where my great great grandfather of blessed memory was rabbi.
- 18:14:35: "Love doesn't take time as much as heart."
- 18:15:02: "The whole world is a very narrow bridge, and the ikkar is to not be afraid" (Rebbe Nachman)
- 18:15:22: "Comment je sais où c'est mon wall?" (how do I know where my wall is). I am married to a backward fanatic, or???
- 18:19:38: There is a "Crap Bar" in Laax, Switzerland.
And it's not even done on purpose... - 18:19:54: My thesis on Yiddish has been sent to various publishers. Now the wait begins.
- 18:20:08: OMG!!! Bronwen a accouché pendant les vacances!!!! My BronBronBronnyBrownie is a mama!!!!! 5 babies!!!
- 18:20:20: Stop overdiagnosing people!! not everything is an "issue"!
- 18:20:44: Back to work on shidduchim!
- 18:20:51: http://ihatemyparents.tumblr.com/ (beware of tznius issues! pas tsniout)
- 18:21:06: Mati thanks Didi the son of our friends for the gifts!!
- 18:22:10: “It is better for a person to be considered a fool all his life than to be an evildoer for one moment” Eduyot 5:6
- 18:22:24: spin off criminal minds!! yay
- 18:23:06: WIZO galas should have kosher food. How sad.
- 18:23:53: I now have a wedding hall in Cityville. I hope their will be tons of kusher weddings! I also hope the ring bearer won't lose a finger
Tweets copied by
sci fi,
different cultures are different,
mazel tov!,
mati is a brainiac,
people overdo it,
out of town,