✙ XV ✙ [Action/Accidental Video]

Oct 03, 2011 13:31

[The blood-red waters of the Fiume Sanguinante flow by languidly in an excellent impression of a normal river. If not for the hue of its waters, it could almost be mistaken for an innocent waterway on this crisp fall day.

Abruptly a hand breaks the surface, tattered leather gloves only marginally less intact than the skin beneath. It gropes at the banks, seeking purchase desperately-- once found, there is a pause in which nothing happens while body attached to the appendage struggles to find some final reserve of strength...

His head broke from the waters into the air as he gasped for air with punctured and partially-collapsed lungs. Barely recognizable as the man known to the vast majority of the city as Vash, he managed to pull his mangled form half-way from the river before that final burst of energy snapped along with his already fractured forearm. Over the course of the past week every bone in his body had been broken, every organ ruptured... and his innate healing abilities had worn out around day four. The only thing keeping him alive was the centuries old strength of his nation, the indomitable will of his people.

In his right hand is clenched something so tightly that the fingers gripping it have been broken around it. It is not his communicator, which had tangled itself around his other wrist and was turned on by his final movement. To the city at large all that could be seen was a mass of bloody flesh and exposed bones; all that could be heard were the ragged, painful gasps of a man pushed to the very brink of death.]

((OOC: WARNING// Cut text contains high levels of gore and mun-induced trauma.))

c: sieg, c: germany, switzerland, c: unit 202

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